- 吉林省分析测试技术学会会员
- 中国物理学会终身会员
- 吉林省青年科技工作者协会专业委员会委员
李远征,男,1992年1月生,理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。吉林省/长春市“科技计划项目”评审专家,吉林省高层次人才,第三批全国高校黄大年式教师团队“光电功能材料教师团队”成员,中国物理学会会员,吉林省青科协专业委员会委员,吉林省分析测试技术学会会员。主要从事二维半导体材料超快载流子动力学及其光电子器件等研究工作,利用稳态/瞬态光谱学方法,探究半导体材料内部载流子行为及其物性,并构筑光电探测器、仿生光电器件等;相关结果发表于Light Sci. Appl.、Laser Photonics Rev.、Nano Lett.等国际知名SCI检索期刊三十余篇,其中一作/通讯16篇(受邀封面文章5篇),SCI引用1000余次;担任Adv. Compos. Hybrid Ma.、Nanoscale、J. Mater. Chem. C、IEEE Electr. Device L.等多个国际著名期刊审稿人;申报/授权国家发明专利8项;主持国家自然科学基金项目,吉林省科技厅/教育厅项目,中国博士后科学基金特别资助/面上项目等多个课题,累计主持经费近100万。近五年,多次在国内外学术会议上做邀请/口头报告。 二维半导体材料作为新兴的材料体系具有重要的研究价值和极具潜力的应用前景,是当今前沿研究课题,欢迎♦凝聚态物理 ♦光学 专业的同学加入我们团队(刘益春院士/徐海阳教授团队),联系方式:liyz264@nenu.edu.cn 教育背景及工作经历: 2021.9–至 今,东北师范大学,物理学院,副教授 2019.8–2021.8,东北师范大学,物理学院,讲师/师资博士后(业绩评优出站) 2016.9–2018.3,国家纳米科学中心,标准与检测重点实验室/博士联培(导师:刘新风,国家杰青) 2014.9–2019.6,东北师范大学,凝聚态物理,博士/硕博连读(导师:徐海阳,国家杰青) 2010.9–2014.6,哈尔滨师范大学,物理学,学士/本科一批 授课:光电材料概论、近代物理实验(微波与磁共振)、探索物理实验 发表文章(一作/通讯*) ♦ Y. Z. Li, J. Pan, C Yan, J Li, W. Xin, Y. Zhang, W. Liu,* X. Liu,* H. Xu,* and Y. Liu, Efficient Carrier Multiplication in Self-powered Near-ultraviolet γInSe/graphene Heterostructure Photodetector with External Quantum Efficiency Exceeding 161%, Nano Letters, 2024, 24, 24, 7252–7260. ♦ W. Liu, X. Yang, Z. Wang, Y. Z. Li,* J. Li, Q. Feng, X. Xie, W. Xin, H. Xu,* and Y. Liu, Self-powered and Broadband Opto-sensor with Bionic Visual Adaptation Function Based on Multilayer γ-InSe Flakes, Light: Science & Applications, 2023, 12, 180. ♦ J. Feng, Y. Z. Li,* J. Li, Q. Feng, W. Xin, W. Liu,* H. Xu,* Y. Liu, Engineering Relaxation-paths of C-exciton for Constructing Band Nesting Bypass in WS2 Monolayer, Nano Letters, 2022, 22, 9, 3699–3706. ♦ Y. Z. Li, J. Yan, J. Chen, T. Yu, H. Ren, X. Liu, W. Liu,* G. Yang, C. Xu, Q. Bao,* Y. Liu and H. Xu,* Unraveling the Synergetic Mechanism of Physisorption and Chemisorption in Laser-irradiated Monolayer WS2, Nano Research, 2021, 14(11): 4274–4280. ♦ Y. Z. Li, X. Wu, W. Liu, H. Xu,* and Xinfeng Liu,* Revealing the interrelation between C- and A-exciton dynamics in monolayer WS2 via transient absorption spectroscopy, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119, 051106. ♦ J. Li, Y. Z. Li,* W. Liu,* Q. Feng, et al. Enhanced Photostability and Photoluminescence of PbI2 via Constructing Type-I Heterostructure with ZnO, Advanced Photonics Research, 2021, 2, 2000183. ♦ Y. Z. Li, W. Liu,* H. Xu,* H. Chen, H. Ren, J. Shi, W. Du, W. Zhang, Q. Feng, J. Yan, C. Zhang, Y. Liu, and X. Liu,* Unveiling Bandgap Evolution and Carriers Redistribution in Multilayer WSe2: Enhanced Photon Emission via Heat Engineering. Advanced Optical Materials, 2020, 8, 1901226. ♦ Y. Z. Li, W. Liu,* H. Ren, Q. Feng, J. Yan, W. Zhong, X. Xin, H. Xu,* Y. Liu, “Enhanced Carrier-Exciton Interactions in Monolayer MoS2 under Applied Voltages.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 18870−18876. ♦ J. Shi,# Y. Z. Li,# Z. Zhang,# W. Feng, W. Du et al. Twisted-Angle-Dependent Optical Behaviors of Intralayer Excitons and Trions in WS2/WSe2 Heterostructure, ACS Photonics, 2019, 6, 3082-3091. (#joint 1st authors) ♦ Y. Z. Li, J. Shi, Y. Mi, H. Xu* and X. Liu,* Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides., Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019,7, 4304-4319. ♦ Y. Z. Li, J. Shi, H. Chen, Y. Mi, W. Du, X. Sui, C. Jiang, W. Liu,* H. Xu* and X. Liu.* Slow Cooling of High-energy C exciton Limited by Intervalley-transfer in Monolayer MoS2, Laser & photonics Reviews, 2019, 13, 1800270. ♦ Y. Z. Li, J. Shi, H. Chen, R. Wang, Y. Mi, C. Zhang, W. Du, S. Zhang, Z. Liu, Q. Zhang, X. Qiu, H. Xu,* W. Liu,* Y. Liu and X. Liu.* The Auger Process in Multilayer WSe2 Crystals, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 17585-17592. ♦ Y. Z. Li, X. Li, T. Yu, G. Yang, H. Chen, C. Zhang, Q. Feng, J. Ma, W. Liu,* H. Xu,* Y. Liu and X. Liu.* Accurate Identification of Layer Number for Few-Layer WS2 and WSe2 via Spectroscopic Study, Nanotechnology, 2018, 29, 124001. ♦ Y. Z. Li, H. Xu,* W. Liu,* G. Yang, J. Shi, Z. Liu, X. Liu,* Z. Wang, Q. Tang, Y. Liu, Enhancement of Exciton Emission from Multilayer MoS2 at High Temperatures: Intervalley Transfer versus Interlayer Decoupling, Small, 2017, 13, 1700157. ♦ Y. Z. Li, X. Li, H. Chen, J. Shi, Q. Shang, S. Zhang, X. Qiu, Z. Liu, Q. Zhang, H. Xu,* W. Liu,* X. Liu,* and Y. Liu, Controlled Gas Molecules Doping of Monolayer MoS2 via Atomic Layer Deposited Al2O3 Films, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 27402–27408. ♦ Y. Z. Li, W. Liu,* H. Xu,* C. Zhang, L. Yang, W. Yue and Y. Liu. Abnormal high-temperature luminescence enhancement observed in monolayer MoS2 flakes: thermo-driven transition from negatively charged trions to neutral excitons, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 9187-9196. ... 学生培养 ♦毕业研究生: 2021级:潘佳钰,毕业去向:沈阳市第四十三中学 2020级:冯继颖(硕士国家奖学金,校优秀学位论文),毕业去向:延边第二中学;杨旭慧(校优秀学位论文),毕业去向:大理第一中学;周莹,毕业去向:沈阳铁路实验中学 2019级:黄蕊,毕业去向:长春市十一高中 2018级:闫佳旭,毕业去向:英特尔半导体(大连)有限公司 ♦毕业本科生: 2019级:杨正淳,毕业去向:西南大学附属中学校 授权专利 ♦ 李远征;刘为振;李济修;徐海阳;刘益春;一种提升二维碘化铅光稳定性和荧光强度的方法,2023.07.25,中国,授权号:CN112608736B ♦ 刘为振;李远征;闫佳旭;辛星;徐海阳;刘益春,一种识别激光辐射后单层TMDs中物理和化学吸附方法,2020.11.5,中国,CN202011225360.3 ♦ 刘为振; 李远征; 孙颖; 冯秋实; 一种高发光强度的薄膜、制备方法及其用途, 2022.7.22,中国,授权号:CN112779518B ♦ 刘为振; 仲玮恒; 李远征; 杨旭慧; 铅绘电极二维材料纸基GaS光电探测器及其制备方法, 2022.4.29, 中国, 授权号:CN112614903B ... 主持科研项目情况: ♦ 国家自然科学基金青年项目,12004069,2021.01-2023.12 ♦ 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,2021T140109,2021.06-2021.12 ♦ 吉林省博士后项目,111865005,2020.06-2021.12 ♦ 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,2020M681025,2020.07-2021.09 ♦ 吉林省科技厅,YDZJ202101ZYTS049,2021.01-2023.12 ♦ 吉林省教育厅,JJKH20211274KJ,2021.01-2022.12 ♦ 吉林省教育厅优青,JJKH20241413KJ,2024.01-2025.12 ...