职  称:讲师



获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 2021-11-12 吉林省科学技术奖科技进步奖二等奖

教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)

科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 项目:
  • 1. 科尔沁沙化羊草草甸多种氮素损失过程对降雨频率降低的响应及机制,省、市、自治区科技项目,2021年
  • 2. 科尔沁退化草甸N2和N2O排放及氨挥发对降雨格局变化的响应及机制,省、市、自治区科技项目,2021年
  • 3. 降雨频率降低对科尔沁退化羊草草甸氮素损失的影响及其作用机制,国家自然科学基金项目,2020年
  • 论文:
  • 1. Synergistic effects of precipitation events and long-term N addition on N2O emissions in a temperate meadow steppe, Northeast China,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,2024年
  • 2. Ecosystem-level decoupling in response to reduced precipitation frequency and degradation in steppe grassland,FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY,2023年
  • 3. Benefits of biological nitrification inhibition of Leymus chinensis under alkaline stress: the regulatory function of ammonium-N exceeds its nutritional function,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2023年
  • 4. Suppression of methane uptake by precipitation pulses and long-term nitrogen addition in a semi-arid meadow steppe in northeast China,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2023年
  • 5. Divergent responses of plant biomass and its allocation to the altered precipitation regimes among different degraded grasslands in China,PLANT AND SOIL,2022年
  • 6. Decreased precipitation frequency altered abundance, but not community structure, of soil nematodes in degraded grasslands,ECOL INDIC,2021年
  • 7. Enhancing Cd(II) sorption by red mud with heat treatment: Performance and mechanisms of sorption,J ENVIRON MANAGE,2020年