- 生态学硕士
- 临班858
- 19硕士生态
- 博士班
- 留学生班
- 环科博士
- 生态20
- 19博士
- 临班438
- 18环科博士
- 环科博士20
- 生态19
- 22生态
- 18生态硕士
- 环境科学(博士)
- 临班437
- 20博士
- 21生态
- 生态21
- 生态学(硕士)
- 20生态
- 博士生
- 环科博士21
- 环境土壤学
- 土壤学
- 生态与社会
- 新生专业教育讲座
- 项目:
- 1. 东北中高纬冷湿森林诺登爱胜蚓种群地理格局、制约机制及其对全球变暖的敏感性,国家自然科学基金项目,2020年
- 专著:
- 1. 松嫩草地生态环境及变化,科学出版社,01-6年
- 论文:
- 1. 土壤微食物网生物和土壤微生物对小星穗薹草生长和土壤养分的影响差异,生态学报,2023年
- 2. Gut microbial communities and their potential roles in cellulose digestion and thermal adaptation of earthworms,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2023年
- 3. Precipitation regulated soil nematode community and footprint in cropland ecosystems,Soil Ecology Letters,2023年
- 4. Molecular mechanisms of toxicity and detoxification in rice (Oryza sativa L.) exposed to polystyrene nanoplastics,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY,2023年
- 5. Descriptions of a new genus and a new species, Grylloprimevala jilina (Grylloblattidae) from China,ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION,2023年
- 6. Soil degradation regulates the effects of litter decomposition on soil microbial nutrient limitation: Evidence from soil enzymatic activity and stoichiometry,FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2023年
- 7. Toxicological effects and transcriptome mechanisms of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under stress of quinclorac and polystyrene nanoplastics,ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2023年
- 8. Land-Use Types Influence the Community Composition of Soil Mesofauna in the Coastal Zones of Bohai Bay, China,DIVERSITY-BASEL,2022年
- 9. Food origin influences microbiota and stable isotope enrichment profiles of cold-adapted Collembola (Desoria ruseki),FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2022年
- 10. Investigating the Assemblages of Two Groups of Collembola (Strong Furca and Weak Furca) under Different Agricultural Management Systems, Northeastern China,DIVERSITY-BASEL,2022年
- 11. How do climate warming affect soil aggregate stability and aggregate-associated phosphorus storage under natural restoration?,GEODERMA,2022年
- 12. Fallow Land Enhances Carbon Sequestration in Glomalin and Soil Aggregates Through Regulating Diversity and Network Complexity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Under Climate Change in Relatively High-Latitude Regions,FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY,2022年
- 13. Changes in assembly processes of soil microbial communities in forest-to-cropland conversion in Changbai Mountains, northeastern China,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022年
- 14. Seed dispersal mechanism of Erythronium japonicum in Northeast China,ACTA OECOLOGICA,2022年
- 15. Patterns of Genetic Variation in the Eisenia nordenskioldi Complex (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) along an Elevation Gradient in Northern China,DIVERSITY-BASEL,2022年
- 16. How do earthworms affect the soil organic carbon fractions and CO2 emissions after incorporation of different maize straw‑derived materials,J SOIL SEDIMENT,2021年
- 17. Land conversion regulates the effects of long-term climate warming on soil micro-food web communities,AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT,2021年
- 18. Green more than brown food resources drive the effect of simulated climate change on Collembola: A soil transplantation experiment in Northeast China,GEODERMA,2021年
- 19. Tillage-induced effects on organic carbon in earthworm casts through changes in their physical and structural stability parameters,ECOL INDIC,2021年
- 20. Warming threatens the microbial communities in middle-high latitude peatland: Evidence from testate amoebae,SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY,2021年
- 21. The multi-response of root foraging strategy to a neighbor, soil heterogeneity and earthworm,APPL SOIL ECOL,2020年
- 22. Land conversion from cropland to grassland alleviates climate warming effects on nutrient limitation: Evidence from soil enzymatic activity and stoichiometry,GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION,2020年
- 23. The Effects of Returning Farmlands to Forests or Pastures on Soil Animal Diversity and its Regional Differentiation Characteristics in China: a Meta-Analysis,APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH,2020年
- 24. Habitat preferences rather than morphological traits affect the recovery process of Collembola (Arthropoda, Hexapoda) on a bare saline-alkaline land,PEERJ,2020年
- 25. A new species of the genus Leeonychiurus Sun & Arbea, 2014 (Collembola, Onychiurinae, Onychiurini) from China, with a checklist of Chinese Onychiurini,ZOOTAXA,2020年
- 26. Snow microhabitats provide food resources for winter-active Collembola,SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM,2020年
- 27. Spatial and environmental factors are minor structuring forces in a soil Collembola metacommunity in a maize agroecosystem,PEDOBIOLOGIA,2019年
- 28. Marshland restoration benefits Collembola recruitment: a long-term chronosequence study in Sanjiang mire marshland, China,PEERJ,2019年
- 29. Warming limits daytime but not nighttime activity of epigeic microarthropods in Songnen grasslands,APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY,2019年
- 30. What is the Carcass-Usage Mode of the Collembola? A Case Study of Entomobrya proxima in the Laboratory,INSECTS,2019年
- 31. Disentangling the drivers of ground-dwelling macro-arthropod metacommunity structure at two different spatial scales,SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY,2019年
- 32. Earthworms promote the accumulation of maize root-derived carbon in a black soil of Northeast China,especially in soil from long-term no-till,GEODERMA,2019年
- 33. Interactions between earthworms and mesofauna affect CO2 and N2O emissions from soils under long-term conservation tillage,GEODERMA,2018年
- 34. Effect of Soybean Cultivation on Soil Collembola Community in Marshland of Sanjiang Plain, China,RUSS J ECOL+,2018年
- 35. Spatial distribution patterns of soil mite communities and their relationships with edaphic factors in a 30-year tillage cornfield in northeast China,PLOS ONE ,2018年
- 36. Seasonal dynamics in the community structure and trophic structure of testate amoebae inhabiting the Sanjiang peatlands, Northeast China,EUR J PROTISTOL,2018年
- 37. Delimiting species of Protaphorura (Collembola: Onychiuridae): integrative evidence based on morphology,DNA sequences and geography,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017年
- 38. Directional migration of three Desoria species (Collembola: Isotomidae) on the snow surface in late winter,EUR J SOIL BIOL,2017年