职  称:教授


朱广山,教授,博士生导师。国家杰出青年基金获得者,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授、首批“万人计划”科技创新领军人才、国务院特殊津贴专家、吉林省政协委员、吉林大学唐敖庆特聘教授、比利时那摩尔大学客座教授。朱广山教授长期从事新型多孔材料的定向合成、性质与结构研究、以及潜在应用的开发。在上述各前沿领域中取得了丰硕的成果,研究成果受到国际同行的高度认可。近年来,在Nature Commu., Adv. Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等国际核心一流学术刊物上发表SCI 论文270余篇, 他引6800余次, H-index为51, 申请发明专利30篇已获授权14 篇。多次应邀参加相关领域的国际会议,并做大会特邀报告及担任分会主席。是国内外著名化学杂志(J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Commun., Chem.-Eur. J., Inorg. Chem., J. Mater. Chem.等)的审稿人和国家自然科学基金的评审人。现正在主持的和已完成的项目有:国家杰出青年基金“无机化学”;国际科技合作与交流专项“无机金属有机骨架化合物合成及储氢性能研究”;国家自然基金委重点项目“无机微孔晶体的设计合成与储能性能研究”;高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育基金“孔道结构无机固体材料的功能组装”;国家自然科学基金项目“高机械强度大面积有序分子筛膜的制备与性质研究”;国家自然科学基金委面上项目“以分子筛为主体的光学微器件制备与性质研究”;国家自然科学基金青年基金“高质量分子筛单晶合成、组装和性能研究”;教育部优秀归国基金“微孔晶体材料巨大单晶的合成”;教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划;吉林省科技厅“吉林省杰出青年科技基金”等项目。主要研究方向:1. 分子筛高质量巨大单晶和高有序膜的合成与制备以及在光学微器件、气体分离方面的开发与应用;2. 吸附分离导向的多孔芳香骨架材料的目标合成;3. MOFs晶体和膜材料的合成与制备及其储气与分离性能研究。 1989.9-1993.6 吉林大学化学学院化学专业 学士 1993.9-1998.6 吉林大学化学学院无机化学专业 博士 1997.4-1997.10 日本东北大学物理系 访问学者 1999.3-1999.4 德国西门子公司 科研工作 1999.9-2000.9 日本东北大学物理系 博士后 2000.9-2001.9 吉林大学化学系无机化学专业 副教授 2001.10-2015.1 吉林大学化学系无机化学专业 教授 2003.10-2015.1 吉林大学化学系无机化学专业 博士生导师 2008.7-2015.1 吉林大学长江学者特聘教授 2008.9至今 比利时那摩尔大学无机材料化学实验室 客座教授 2009.4-2015.1 吉林大学唐敖庆特聘教授 2015.1至今 东北师范大学 教授 2015.1至今 东北师范大学 博士生导师 2015.1至今 东北师范大学多酸科学教育部重点实验室 实验室主任


  • 吉林省政协委员、中国民主同盟委员、美国化学会会员、中国化学会会员

获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 2023-12-16 第二届全国先进储能技术创新挑战赛
  • 2023-02-01 2022年中国产学研合作创新与促进奖产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖
  • 2021-11-10 中国发明协会发明创业奖创新奖二等奖
  • 2018-11-07 吉林省科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖

教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)

  • 专业实习
  • 无机化学
  • 无机化学(基地班)
  • 无机合成与制备
  • 毕业论文

科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 项目:
  • 1. 海水提铀用仿生材料与关键技术研究,国家科技部,2023年
  • 2. PDS/多酸复合脱硫催化剂合成及产业化,省、市、自治区科技项目,2022年
  • 3. 富锂多孔有机骨架基耐高寒固态聚合物电解质的合成、制备及应用基础研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2021年
  • 4. 多孔芳香骨架材料的设计合成及其在核原料分离提取中的性质研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2021年
  • 5. 多孔芳香骨架材料(PAFs)和共价有机骨架材料(COFs)的定向设计、制备与表征,企事业单位委托科技项目,2018年
  • 6. 氢气分离功能导向的新型多孔膜的设计合成与制备,国家自然科学基金项目,2017年
  • 7. 具有氙气吸附性能的晶态多孔有机框架材料的定向合成,国家自然科学基金项目,2016年
  • 专著:
  • 1. Microporous Materials for Separation Membranes,Wiley-VCH,01-5年
  • 论文:
  • 1. Continuous Ultrathin Zwitterionic Covalent Organic Framework Membrane Via Surface-Initiated Polymerization Toward Superior Water Retention,SMALL,2024年
  • 2. Constructing Heterogeneous Interface by Growth of Carbon Nanotubes on the Surface of MoB2 for Boosting Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in a Wide pH Range,SMALL,2024年
  • 3. Enhanced and selective uranium extraction onto electrospun nanofibers by regulating the functional groups and photothermal conversion performance,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2024年
  • 4. Self-Standing Porous Aromatic Framework Electrodes for Efficient Electrochemical Uranium Extraction,ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE,2023年
  • 5. Porous Cyclodextrin Polymer Enables Dendrite-Free and Ultra-Long Life Solid-State Zn-I2 Batteries,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2023年
  • 6. Controlled Partial Linker Thermolysis in Metal-Organic Framework UiO-66-NH2 to Give a Single-Site Copper Photocatalyst for the Functionalization of Terminal Alkynes,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2023年
  • 7. Poly(ether ether ketone) Conferred Polyolefin Separators with High Dimensional Thermal Stability for Lithium-Ion Batteries,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2023年
  • 8. Unique fluorophilic pores engineering within porous aromatic frameworks for trace perfluorooctanoic acid removal,NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2023年
  • 9. PAF-6 doped with phosphoric acid through alkaline nitrogen atoms boosting high-temperature proton-exchange membranes for high performance of fuel cells,ADVANCED MATERIALS,2023年
  • 10. Construction of catalytic cavities in porous aromatic frameworks for effective alcohol oxidation,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2023年
  • 11. Selective scandium ion capture through coordination templating in a covalent organic framework,NATURE CHEMISTRY,2023年
  • 12. Continuous polypyrrole nanotubes encapsulated Co3O4 nanoparticles with oxygen vacancies and electron transport channels boosting peroxymonosulfate activation,Nano Research ,2023年
  • 13. Salen-based porous aromatic frameworks with multi-active sites as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2023年
  • 14. Single-Ion Polymer Electrolyte Based on Lithium-Rich Imidazole Anionic Porous Aromatic Framework for High Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries,SMALL,2023年
  • 15. Bio-inspired functionalization of electrospun nanofibers with anti-biofouling property for efficient uranium extraction from seawater,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023年
  • 16. Immobilizing Quinone-Fused Aza-Phenazine into pi-d Conjugated Coordination Polymers with Multiple-Active Sites for Sodium-Ion Batteries,SMALL,2023年
  • 17. Crystallinity Regulation and Defects Passivation for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Using Fully Conjugated Porous Aromatic Frameworks,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2023年
  • 18. Ultrafine platinum nanoparticles anchored in porous aromatic frameworks for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction,CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023年
  • 19. Porous carbon supported Lewis acid-base sites as metal-free catalysts for the carbonylation of glycerol with urea,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2023年
  • 20. Fascinating Electrocatalysts with Dispersed Di-Metals in MN3-M'N4 Moiety as Two Active Sites Separately for N2 and CO2 Reduction Reactions and Jointly for C-N Coupling and Urea Production,Small Methods,2023年
  • 21. Tailored preparation of porous aromatic frameworks in a confined environment,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023年
  • 22. Frustrated Lewis pairs in situ formation in B-based porous aromatic frameworks for efficient o-phenylenediamine cyclization,CHINESE CHEM LETT,2023年
  • 23. Ultramicroporous Covalent Organic Framework Nanosheets with Functionality Pair for Membrane C2H2/C2H4 Separation,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2023年
  • 24. Fine-Tuned Ultra-Microporous Metal-Organic Framework in Mixed-Matrix Membrane: Pore-Tailoring Optimization for C2H2/C2H4 Separation,ADVANCED MATERIALS,2023年
  • 25. A Three-Dimensional Silicon-Diacetylene Porous Organic Radical Polymer,CCS Chemistry,2023年
  • 26. Fine-Tuned Ultra-Microporous Metal-Organic Framework in Mixed-Matrix Membrane: Pore-Tailoring Optimization for C2H2/C2H4 Separation,ADVANCED MATERIALS,2023年
  • 27. Multivariate Porous Aromatic Frameworks with High Porosity and Hierarchical Structures for Enzyme Immobilization,ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE,2023年
  • 28. Concentration-modulated global organizational chirality at the liquid/solid interface,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2023年
  • 29. A Single-Ion Gel Polymer Electrolyte based on Polyimide Grafted with Lithium 3-Chloropropanesulfonyl (Trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide for High Performance Lithium Ion Batteries,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2023年
  • 30. Porous rigid-flexible polymer membrane interface towards high-rate and stable zinc-ion battery,JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2023年
  • 31. Rationally tailoring anion traps into electrospun nanofibers for highly efficient perrhenate/pertechnetate capture,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023年
  • 32. Zincophilic polyurethane-based porous film enables dendrite-free zinc anode for reversible aqueous zinc-based batteries,COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2023年
  • 33. Constructing Mechanical Shuttles in a Three-dimensional (3D) Porous Architecture for Selective Transport of Lithium Ions,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2023年
  • 34. Integrating multiple redox-active sites and universal electrode-active features into covalent triazine frameworks for organic alkali metal-ion batteries,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2023年
  • 35. Designing energetic covalent organic frameworks for stabilizing high-energy compounds,Nano Research ,2023年
  • 36. Basic Alkylamine Functionalized PAF-1 Hybrid Membrane with High Compatibility for Superior CO2 Separation from Flue Gas,ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS,2023年
  • 37. Integrated pyrazine-based porous aromatic frameworks/carbon nanotube composite as cathode materials for aqueous zinc ion batteries,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022年
  • 38. The emerging aqueous zinc-organic battery,COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS,2022年
  • 39. Lithium-Rich Porous Aromatic Framework-Based Quasi-Solid Polymer Electrolyte for High-Performance Lithium Ion Batteries,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2022年
  • 40. Multiple boosting Janus membranes synergized with Li-rich PAF-6 and carbon nanoparticles for high performance lithium-sulfur batteries,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2022年
  • 41. A specific free-volume network as synergistic zinc-ion-conductor interface towards stable zinc anode,Energy Storage Materials,2022年
  • 42. Multi-Functionalization Integration into the Electrospun Nanofibers Exhibiting Effective Iodine Capture from Water,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2022年
  • 43. Tailored Organic Cathode Material with Multi-Active Site and Compatible Groups for Stable Quasi-Solid-State Lithium-Organic Batteries,ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS,2022年
  • 44. Bottom-Up Construction of Fluorene-Based Porous Aromatic Frameworks for Ultrahigh-Capacity and High-Rate Alkali Metal-Ion Batteries,ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS,2022年
  • 45. Nanoporous Aromatic Framework with Bulky Binding Groups for Palladium Recovery,ACS Applied Nano Materials,2022年
  • 46. Metal-Organic Framework Integrating Ionic Framework and Bimetallic Coupling Effect for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction,ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022年
  • 47. Porphyrin- and phthalocyanine-based systems for rechargeable batteries,Energy Storage Materials,2022年
  • 48. Metal-free catalysis of the reductive amination of aldehydes using a phosphonium-doped porous aromatic framework,MOLECULAR CATALYSIS,2022年
  • 49. Porous aromatic frameworks with high Pd nanoparticles loading as efficient catalysts for the Suzuki coupling reaction,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2022年
  • 50. Tailoring the pore chemistry in porous aromatic frameworks for selective separation of acetylene from ethylene,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2022年
  • 51. Synthetic subnanochannels in porous aromatic frameworks accelerate selective water permeation in membrane desalination,SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS,2022年
  • 52. Turning Electronic Waste to Continuous-Flow Reactor Using Porous Aromatic Frameworks,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2022年
  • 53. Porous Cationic Electrospun Fibers with Sufficient Adsorption Sites for Effective and Continuous (TcO4-)-Tc-99 Uptake,ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS,2022年
  • 54. Au Nanoparticles Supported by Porous Aromatic Frameworks—Efficient and Recyclable Catalysts for Nitro Reduction,CATALYSTS,2022年
  • 55. Imidazolium-Functionalized Ionic Porous Aromatic Frameworks for CO2 Capture and In Situ Conversion,INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2022年
  • 56. Facile synthesis of porphyrin-based PAF membrane for hydrogen purification,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2022年
  • 57. Stable metal-organic framework fixing within zeolite beads for effectively static and continuous flow degradation of tetracycline by peroxymonosulfate activation,CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022年
  • 58. Pyrene-based covalent organic framework for selective enrichment of hydrophobic peptides with simultaneous proteins exclusion,ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA,2022年
  • 59. Establishing the Principal Descriptor for Electrochemical Urea Production via the Dispersed Dual-Metals Anchored on the N-Decorated Graphene,ADVANCED SCIENCE,2022年
  • 60. Water-Dispersible Porous Aromatic Frameworks with Quasi-Amino Acid Structures via N-H Insertion Reactions,ACS NANO,2022年
  • 61. Fine-tuned mesoporous covalent organic frameworks for highly efficient low molecular-weight proteins separation,Nano Research ,2022年
  • 62. High energy and insensitive explosives based on energetic porous aromatic frameworks,Nano Research ,2022年
  • 63. Covalent-Linking-Enabled Superior Compatibility of ZIF-8 Hybrid Membrane for Efficient Propylene Separation,ADVANCED MATERIALS,2022年
  • 64. Continuous Porous Aromatic Framework Membranes with Modifiable Sites for Optimized Gas Separation,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022年
  • 65. Recent developments in electrode materials for dual-ion batteries: Potential alternatives to conventional batteries,MATERIALS TODAY,2022年
  • 66. Hyper-Crosslinked Polymer-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Hierarchical Porous Carbon as Metal-Free Electrocatalysts for High-Efficiency Oxygen Reduction,ENERGY & FUELS,2021年
  • 67. Biological application of porous aromatic frameworks: state of the art and opportunities,JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS,2021年
  • 68. Unusual design strategy for a stable and soluble high-molecular-weight copper(I) arylacetylide polymer,CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2021年
  • 69. High performance of polyethylene composite separators modified by carbon nanotube, lithium salt and SiO2 nanoparticles for lithium ion batteries,COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021年
  • 70. Self-assembly of chiral foldamers with alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic side chains into acid-sensitive and solvent-exchangeable vesicular particles,SOFT MATTER,2021年
  • 71. Synthesis and Characterization of H5PV2Mo10O40@Cu3(BTC)2 and Its Use as a Heterogeneous Catalyst for Oxidative Desulfurization: A Comprehensive Chemistry Laboratory Experiment,JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION,2021年
  • 72. A Universal and Reversible Wet Adhesive via Straightforward Aqueous Self-Assembly of Polyethylenimine and Polyoxometalate,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021年
  • 73. Mechanical Bond Approach to Introducing Self-Adaptive Active Sites in Covalent Organic Frameworks for Zinc-Catalyzed Organophosphorus Degradation,ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE,2021年
  • 74. Constructing Uranyl-Specific Nanofluidic Channels for Unipolar Ionic Transport to Realize Ultrafast Uranium Extraction,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2021年
  • 75. The enhanced performance of polyethylene composite separators by the modification of lithium salt@SiO2 nanoparticles,MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2021年
  • 76. Mechanistic investigation on copper-arylacetylide polymerization and sensing applications,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2021年
  • 77. Highly efficient Lewis acid catalytic activity of the tritylium ion at the node of a tensile organic framework,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2021年
  • 78. Facile preparation of N-doped hierarchically porous carbon derived from pitch-based hyper-cross-linked polymers as an efficient metal-free catalyst for oxygen-reduction,APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2021年
  • 79. Sulfophenylated Poly (Ether Ether Ketone Ketone) Nanofiber Composite Separator with Excellent Electrochemical Performance and Dimensional Thermal Stability for Lithium-Ion Battery via Electrospinning,MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING,2021年
  • 80. Fabrication and evaluation of effective zeolite membranes for water desalination,DESALINATION,2021年
  • 81. Surface-Mediated Construction of an Ultrathin Free-Standing Covalent Organic Framework Membrane for Efficient Proton Conduction,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2021年
  • 82. Zeolite-Based Memristive Synapse with Ultralow Sub-10-fJ Energy Consumption for Neuromorphic Computation,SMALL,2021年
  • 83. Synergism between lignin, functionalized carbon nanotubes and Fe3O4 nanoparticles for electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of tough lignin-based polyurethane,COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS,2021年
  • 84. Heteropoly Blue/Protonation-Defective Graphitic Carbon Nitride Heterojunction for the Photo-Driven Nitrogen Reduction Reaction,INORG CHEM,2021年
  • 85. Vertically oriented Ni-MOF@Co(OH)2 flakes towards enhanced hybrid supercapacitior performance,J COLLOID INTERF SCI,2021年
  • 86. Reaction: Goal-Oriented PAF Design for Uranium Extraction from Seawater,CHEM,2021年
  • 87. Two flexible cationic metal-organic frameworks with remarkable stability for CO2/CH4 separation,Nano Research ,2021年
  • 88. Self-assembly of chiral oligo(methylene-p-phenylene-ethynylene)s into vesicle-like particles independent of hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of side chains and solvents,SOFT MATTER,2021年
  • 89. Constructing Mesoporous Adsorption Channels and MOF-Polymer Interfaces in Electrospun Composite Fibers for Effective Removal of Emerging Organic Contaminants,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2021年
  • 90. Porous Aromatic Framework with Tailored Binding Sites and Pore Sizes as a High-Performance Hemoperfusion Adsorbent for Bilirubin Removal,ADVANCED SCIENCE,2020年
  • 91. MXene as a tolerable anode material accommodating large ions in dual-ion batteries,CERAM INT,2020年
  • 92. Porous Aromatic Framework Nanosheets Anchored with Lewis Pairs for Efficient and Recyclable Heterogeneous Catalysis,ADVANCED SCIENCE,2020年
  • 93. Ultramicroporous organic materials for selective separation of xenon from krypton,MICROPOR MESOPOR MAT,2020年
  • 94. Enzyme-Inspired Assembly: Incorporating Multivariate Interactions to Optimize the Host-Guest Configuration for High-Speed Enantioselective Catalysis,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020年
  • 95. Inorganic nanocrystal-dynamic porous polymer assemblies with effective energy transfer for sensitive diagnosis of urine copper,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2020年
  • 96. Hydroxyl porous aromatic frameworks for efficient adsorption of organic micropollutants in water,RSC ADVANCES,2020年
  • 97. Highly selective reduction of nitroarenes with gold nano-catalysts immobilized in porous aromatic frameworks,MICROPOR MESOPOR MAT,2020年
  • 98. Anion Substitution in Porous Aromatic Frameworks: Boosting Molecular Permeability and Selectivity for Membrane Acetylene Separation,ADV MATER,2020年
  • 99. Efficient Gold Recovery from E-Waste via a Chelate-Containing Porous Aromatic Framework,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020年
  • 100. Multifunctional porous aromatic frameworks: State of the art and opportunities,EnergyChem,2020年
  • 101. Molecularly Imprinted Porous Aromatic Frameworks for Molecular Recognition,ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE,2020年
  • 102. Ion pre-intercalation and OER modified carbon fiber paper towards high-performance cathode for dual-ion batteries,CERAM INT,2020年
  • 103. Confining Polyoxometalate Clusters into Porous Aromatic Framework Materials for Catalytic Desulfurization of Dibenzothiophene,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2020年
  • 104. Constructing an Ion Pathway for Uranium Extraction from Seawater,CHEM,2020年
  • 105. The fabrication of IMo6@iPAF-1 as an enzyme mimic in heterogeneous catalysis for oxidative desulfurization under O2 or air,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020年
  • 106. Constructing amidoxime-modified porous adsorbents with open architecture for cost-effective and efficient uranium extraction,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2020年
  • 107. Porous Organic Frameworks Featured by Distinct Confining Fields for the Selective Hydrogenation of Biomass-Derived Ketones,ADV MATER,2020年
  • 108. Novel Nanocomposite PEM Membranes with Continuous Proton Transportation Channel and Reinforcing Network Formed by Electrospinning Solution Casting Method,MACROMOL MATER ENG,2020年
  • 109. Porous Aromatic Frameworks (PAFs),CHEM REV,2020年
  • 110. Uniform and stable immobilization of metal-organic frameworks into chitosan matrix for enhanced tetracycline removal from water,CHEM ENG J,2020年
  • 111. Dual luminescent covalent organic frameworks for nitro-explosive detection,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2019年
  • 112. An electrospun fiber based metal-organic framework composite membrane for fast, continuous, and simultaneous removal of insoluble and soluble contaminants from water,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2019年
  • 113. Synergic Catalysts of Polyoxometalate@Cationic Porous Aromatic Frameworks: Reciprocal Modulation of Both Capture and Conversion Materials,ADV MATER,2019年
  • 114. Mixed matrix membranes derived from nanoscale porous organic frameworks for permeable and selective CO2 separation,J MEMBRANE SCI,2019年
  • 115. 2D Co-crystallization of molecular homologues promoted by size complementarity of the alkyl chains at the liquid/solid interface,PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS,2019年
  • 116. A Molecular Coordination Template Strategy for Designing Selective Porous Aromatic Framework Materials for Uranyl Capture,ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE,2019年
  • 117. Pore-size dominated electrochemical properties of covalent triazine frameworks as anode materials for K-ion batteries,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019年
  • 118. Small-pore CAU-21 and porous PIM-1 in mixed-matrix membranes for improving selectivity and permeability in hydrogen separation,CHEM COMMUN,2019年
  • 119. Rhenium-functionalized covalent organic framework photocatalyst for efficient CO2 reduction under visible light,MICROPOR MESOPOR MAT,2019年
  • 120. Porous Aromatic Framework Modified Electrospun Fiber Membrane as a Highly Efficient and Reusable Adsorbent for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products Removal,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019年
  • 121. 磷酸基多孔芳香骨架材料用于提取铀离子,ACTA CHIM SINICA,2019年
  • 122. Ligand-Induced Tunable Dual-Color Emission Based on Lead Halide Perovskites for White Light-Emitting Diodes,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2019年
  • 123. Constructing Connected Paths between UiO-66 and PIM-1 to Improve Membrane CO2 Separation with Crystal-Like Gas Selectivity,ADV MATER,2019年
  • 124. Phosphine-based porous aromatic frameworks for gold nanoparticle immobilization with superior catalytic activities,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2019年
  • 125. Porous Aromatic Frameworks as a Platform for Multifunctional Applications,ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE,2019年
  • 126. Highly flexible magnesium silicate nanofibrous membranes for effective removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution,CHEM ENG J,2019年
  • 127. Size, Shape, and Porosity Control of Medi-MOF-1 via Growth Modulation under Microwave Heating,CRYST GROWTH DES,2019年
  • 128. Fluorescein-based fluorescent porous aromatic framework for Fe3+ detection with high sensitivity,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C,2019年
  • 129. Understanding the desulphurization process in an ionic porous aromatic framework,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019年
  • 130. PAF-1@cellulose nanofibril composite aerogel for highly-efficient removal of bisphenol A,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2019年
  • 131. Polarity engineering of porous aromatic frameworks for specific water contaminant capture,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2019年
  • 132. Construction of Porous Aromatic Frameworks with Exceptional Porosity via Building Unit Engineering,ADV MATER,2018年
  • 133. Hard-template synthesis of micro-mesoporous organic frameworks with controlled hierarchicity,CHEM COMMUN,2018年
  • 134. 基于正四面体构筑单元的多孔芳香骨架材料,科学通报,2018年
  • 135. Fabrication of triazine-based Porous Aromatic Framework (PAF) membrane with structural flexibility for gas mixtures separation,J IND ENG CHEM,2018年
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  • 137. Surface Pore Engineering of Covalent Organic Frameworks for Ammonia Capture through Synergistic Multivariate and Open Metal Site Approaches,ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE,2018年
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  • 145. Molecularly Imprinted Porous Aromatic Frameworks Serving as Porous Artificial Enzymes,ADV MATER,2018年
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  • 152. An acid-stable hexaphosphate ester based metal-organic framework and its polymer composite as proton exchange membrane,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
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  • 154. Novel Pyrene-Based Anionic Metal-Organic Framework for Efficient Organic Dye Elimination,CRYST GROWTH DES,2017年
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  • 专利:
  • 一种锂硫电池隔膜材料及其制备方法 2023-06-13
  • 一种基于1,3-丁二醇的结晶性可降解聚酯及其制备方法 2023-05-26
  • 一种基于1,3-丁二醇的生物基聚酯的制备及其应用 2023-05-23
  • 一种共价有机骨架纳米线材料的制备方法及其应用 2023-04-07
  • 一种质子交换膜、制备方法、用途和包含其的燃料电池 2023-03-28
  • 一种聚酰亚胺单离子聚合物及其制备方法和固态聚合物电解质膜 2023-01-03
  • 一种聚芳醚酮单离子聚合物和单离子凝胶聚合物电解质 2023-01-03
  • 一种木质素基亲水型上浆剂的制备方法及其在聚烯烃复合材料中的应用 2022-08-26
  • 一种共价有机骨架纳米线材料及其制备方法 2022-08-19
  • 一种木质素基单离子聚合物电解质、制备方法及其应用 2022-08-16
  • 一种木质素基三聚氰胺含磷阻燃剂及制备方法和应用 2022-08-16
  • 一种含多功能基多孔吸附剂及其制备方法和应用 2022-08-05
  • 一种木质素基亲水型上浆剂的制备方法及其在环氧树脂复合材料中的应用 2022-05-27
  • 一种结晶性多孔骨架材料及其制备方法和应用 2022-04-19
  • 一种有机芳炔掺杂多孔芳香骨架复合材料及其制备方法和应用 2022-04-15
  • 一种胺肟基多孔骨架材料及其制备方法和在吸附分离铀离子中的应用 2022-04-15
  • 一种上浆碳纤维布增强阻燃环氧树脂及其制备方法 2022-03-29
  • 一种交联改性聚酰亚胺单离子聚合物及其凝胶聚合物电解质 2022-03-01
  • 一种用于锂电池隔膜的聚芳醚酮 2022-02-25
  • 一种功能化聚烯烃复合隔膜及其制备方法和应用 2022-02-01
  • 一种复合电磁屏蔽材料及其制备方法和应用 2021-05-25
  • 一种聚芳醚酮及其制备方法和在锂电池隔膜中的应用 2021-04-23


    代表作: 1. Nat. Commun. 2014, 5, 4260. 2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 9457-9460. 3. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 43, 6116-6140. 4. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 1646-1647等270余篇SCI论文