职  称:教授


臧宏瑛,东北师范大学化学学院教授,博士生导师,2013年获得首批“长白山学者”称号。师从英国著名无机化学家、皇室授勋教授Leroy Cronin 和龙德良老师,获得英国格拉斯哥大学博士学位。回国后从事多酸基材料自组装及其在燃料电池领域应用研究,主持过国家自然科学基金面上项目,“973 ”课题(子项目负责人),吉林省科技厅创新项目及校内自然科学基金青年项目,参与过国家自然科学基金和教育部项目。已在国际主流杂志发表论文30余篇,其中包括Nat. Chem.; Nat. Commun.; J. Am. Chem. Soc .; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.; Adv. Mater.等。 教育经历 2010/9 - 2013/8,格拉斯哥大学,无机化学,博士,导师:Leroy Cronin、龙德良 2007/9 - 2010/7,东北师范大学,物理化学,硕士,导师:苏忠民 2003/9 - 2007/7,哈尔滨学院,化学,学士,导师:田玫、张恒彬 工作经历 2014/1 - 至今,东北师范大学,化学学院,教授, 博士生导师 2013/8 - 2014/1,格拉斯哥大学,化学学院,助理研究员


  • 中国化学会会员
  • 英国皇家化学会会员
  • 吉林省青年科技工作者协会理事

获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 2021-09-23 第十六届吉林省青年科技奖

教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)

  • 专业实习
  • 毕业论文
  • 化学概论
  • 化学概论B

科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 项目:
  • 1. 多金属氧簇质子导体,国家自然科学基金项目,2023年
  • 2. 纳米级铁基多金属氧簇的合成及电化学固氮性能研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2020年
  • 3. 纳米团簇化合物的合成及电催化固氮性能研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2020年
  • 4. 用于质子导电固态电解质的多金属簇合物设计、合成及性能研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2018年
  • 5. 多酸基杂化材料的设计合成、组装及其质子传导性能研究,其他课题,2016年
  • 6. 新颖多酸基质子导体的合成及复合材料的制备(探索),省、市、自治区科技项目,2015年
  • 7. 质子传导功能金属有机框架的设计合成和性能研究,其他课题,2015年
  • 8. 基于混合杂原子的纳米多金属氧簇的设计合成、组装及质子传导性能研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2014年
  • 论文:
  • 1. Continuous Ultrathin Zwitterionic Covalent Organic Framework Membrane Via Surface-Initiated Polymerization Toward Superior Water Retention,SMALL,2024年
  • 2. Synthesis of phosphovanadate-based porous inorganic frameworks with high proton conductivity,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2023年
  • 3. The assembly of [Mo2O2S2]2+ based on polydentate phosphonate templates and their proton conductivity,CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,2023年
  • 4. Selective Encapsulation and Chiral Induction of C60 and C70 Fullerenes by Axially Chiral Porous Aromatic Cages,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2023年
  • 5. Constructing Oxygen Vacancies via Engineering Heterostructured Fe3C/Fe3O4 Catalysts for Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2023年
  • 6. FeS2/MoS2 纳米花异质结室温电催化固氮,分子科学学报,2023年
  • 7. Designed Tetranuclear Iron-oxo Clusters with Redox Activity for High-Performance Lithium Storage,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2023年
  • 8. Complex phase transitions and phase engineering in the aqueous solution of an isopolyoxometalate cluster,NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2023年
  • 9. Rational Design and Progress of Molybdenum-oxo Clusters,MATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2023年
  • 10. Design and synthesis of phosphomolybdate coordination compounds based on {P4Mo6} structural units and their proton conductivity,Tungsten,2023年
  • 11. Recent Advances on Polyoxometalate-Based Ion-Conducting Electrolytes for Energy-Related Devices,ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS,2023年
  • 12. Controllable Transition Metal-Directed Assembly of [Mo2O2S2]2+Building Blocks into Smart Molecular Humidity-Responsive Actuators,JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,2023年
  • 13. “课程思政”融入“原子结构与元素周期表”教学的探索与实践,大学化学,2022年
  • 14. Synthesis and Proton Conductivity of Two Molybdate Polymers Based on [Mo8O26](4-) Anions,CHEMISTRYSELECT,2022年
  • 15. Molecular Iron Oxide Clusters Boost the Oxygen Reduction Reaction of Platinum Electrocatalysts at Near-Neutral pH,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2022年
  • 16. Hybrid covalent organic-framework-based electrolytes for optimizing interface resistance in solid-state lithium-ion batteries,Cell Reports Physical Science,2022年
  • 17. Synthesis of highly water-absorbing chromium oxyhydroxide as a dopant in a hybrid proton-conducting membrane,INT J ENERG RES,2022年
  • 19. Advanced hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts promising sustainable hydrogen and chlor-alkali co-production,ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE,2021年
  • 20. Binary Atomically Dispersed Metal-Site Catalysts with Core-Shell Nanostructures for O2 and CO2 Reduction Reactions,Small science,2021年
  • 21. 无氮铁基电催化氮气分子活化的研究进展,分子科学学报,2021年
  • 22. Molecular single iron site catalysts for electrochemical nitrogen fixation under ambient conditions,APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL,2021年
  • 23. Surface-Mediated Construction of an Ultrathin Free-Standing Covalent Organic Framework Membrane for Efficient Proton Conduction,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2021年
  • 24. Single-atom metal-N4 site molecular electrocatalysts for ambient nitrogen reduction,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2021年
  • 25. Precise Molecular-Level Modification of Nafion with Bismuth Oxide Clusters for High-performance Proton-Exchange Membranes,ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION,2021年
  • 26. 将“锂键”概念拓展到化学概论课程的氢键知识教学,大学化学,2021年
  • 27. Oxygen vacancy engineering of calcium cobaltate: A nitrogen fixation electrocatalyst at ambient condition in neutral electrolyte,Nano Research ,2021年
  • 28. Constructing p-sulfonatothiacalix[4]arene-based coordination squares as new type of efficient proton-conducting solid electrolytes,INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA,2021年
  • 29. Proton-Conducting Polyoxometalates as Redox Electrolytes Synergistically Boosting the Performance of Self-Healing Solid-State Supercapacitors with Polyaniline,CCS Chemistry,2020年
  • 30. Construction of Strandberg-Type Polyoxometalate-Based Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Material with Water-Assisted Proton Conductivity,CHEMISTRYSELECT,2020年
  • 31. A highly proton conductive membrane based on hydrolyzed NbCl5 and phytic acid,INT J HYDROGEN ENERG,2020年
  • 32. Metal-oxygen clusters as peroxidase mimics for their multifarious applications in colorimetric sensors,NEW J CHEM,2019年
  • 33. Supramolecular hydrogen-bonded organic networks through acid-base pairs as efficient proton-conducting electrolytes,CRYSTENGCOMM,2019年
  • 34. Introduction of Mn(III) to regulate the electronic structure of fluorine-doped nickel hydroxide for efficient water oxidation,NANOSCALE ADVANCES,2019年
  • 35. Cable-like Ru/WNO@C nanowires for simultaneous high-efficiency hydrogen evolution and low-energy consumption chlor-alkali electrolysis, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE,2019年
  • 36. One step synthesis of PtNi electrocatalyst for methanol oxidation,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2019年
  • 37. A Preyssler-type polyoxometalate-based coordination supramolecule with proton conducting property,POLYHEDRON,2019年
  • 38. A bismuth oxide/graphene oxide nanocomposite membrane showing super proton conductivity and low methanol permeability,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2019年
  • 39. Proton conductive watery channels constructed by in situ generated 3D lanthanide connected monolacunary polyoxometalate,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2018年
  • 40. Ultralong needle-like N-doped Co(OH)F on carbon fiber paper with abundant oxygen vacancies as an efficient oxygen evolution reaction catalyst,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2018年
  • 41. N-doped Hierarchical Porous Carbon Nanomeshes as Oxygen Reduction in pH-Universal Media and Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts,CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018年
  • 42. Ultrafine cable-like WC/W2C heterojunction nanowires covered by graphitic carbon towards highly efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2018年
  • 43. A water cluster (H2O)12 guested coordination polymer as proton conducting solid electrolytes,SOLID STATE IONICS,2018年
  • 44. Nitrogen-doped porous carbon: highly efficient trifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reversible catalysis and nitrogen reduction reaction,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2018年
  • 45. Inorganic open framework based on lanthanide ions and polyoxometalates with high proton conductivity,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2018年
  • 46. Niobium Oxyhydroxide-Polyoxometalate Composite as an Efficient Proton-Conducting Solid Electrolyte,CHEMELECTROCHEM,2018年
  • 47. One-step synthesis of Pt based electrocatalysts encapsulated by polyoxometalate for methanol oxidation,NEW J CHEM,2018年
  • 48. Cross-Linked CoMoO4/rGO Nanosheets as Oxygen Reduction Catalyst,CATALYSTS,2017年
  • 49. Highly tuneable proton-conducting coordination polymers derived from a sulfonate-based ligand,CRYSTENGCOMM,2017年
  • 50. Efficient MMoO4(M=Co, Ni) carbon cloth electrodes for water oxidation,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS,2017年
  • 51. MoP/Mo2C@C: A New Combination of Electrocatalysts for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution over the Entire pH Range,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES,2017年
  • 52. Control of bulk homochirality and proton conductivity in isostructural chiral metal-organic frameworks,CHEM COMMUN,2017年
  • 53. N-Carbon coated P-W2C composite as efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reactions over the whole pH range,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
  • 54. Changes of coordination modes of Cu-based coordination complexes as tuneable proton-conducting solid electrolytes,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
  • 55. Lanthanum molybdenum oxide as a new platform for highly selective adsorption and fast separation of organic dyes,RSC ADVANCES,2016年
  • 56. Coupling with a narrow-band-gap semiconductor for the enhancement of visible-light photocatalytic activity: preparation of Bi2OxS3−x/Nb6O17 and application to the degradation of methyl orange,DALTON T,2016年
  • 57. Cationic Covalent Organic Frameworks: A Simple Platform of Anionic Exchange for Porosity Tuning and Proton Conduction,J AM CHEM SOC,2016年
  • 58. Trimeric hexa-dimethyltin-functionalized selenotungstate [{Sn(CH3)2(CH3COO)}3{Sn(CH3)2}3{Se2W18O62(OH)(H2O)}3]18-,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
  • 59. Engineering the proton conductivity of metal-organic hybrid materials by varying the coordination mode of the ligand,CRYSTENGCOMM,2016年
  • 60. Exploiting the equilibrium dynamics in the self-assembly of inorganic macrocycles based upon polyoxothiometalate building blocks,CHEM COMMUN,2016年
  • 61. Coordination and supramolecular assembly of {Cd2Ge8V12O48} building block and cucurbit[6] to form rotaxane-shaped hybrids,DALTON T,2016年
  • 62. Assembly of inorganic [Mo2S2O2]2+ panels connected by selenite anions to nanoscale chalcogenide-polyoxometalate clusters,CHEMICAL SCIENCE,2016年
  • 63. N-Doped graphene-coated molybdenum carbide nanoparticles as highly efficient electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2016年
  • 64. Hybrid Coordination Networks Constructed from e-Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates and Rigid Imidazole-Based Bridging Ligands as New Carriers for Noble-Metal Catalysts,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2016年
  • 65. Luminescent hybrid metal-organic coordination polymers based on Cu/Ag-bis(benzotriazole) units and polyoxometalates,J COORD CHEM,2016年
  • 66. Polyoxometalate-based metal-organic coordination networks for heterogeneous catalytic desulfurization,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
  • 67. Self-assembled arrays of polyoxometalate-based metal-organic nanotubes for proton conduction and magnetism,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
  • 68. Assembly of a large cerium(III)-containing tungstotellurites(IV) nanocluster: [Ce10Te8W88O298(OH)(12)(H2O)(40)]18-,DALTON T,2015年
  • 69. Keggin-Type Polyoxometalate-Based Metal-Organic Networks for Photocatalytic Dye Degradation,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2015年
  • 70. Construction of polyoxometalates from dynamic lacunary polyoxotungstate building blocks and lanthanide linkers,DALTON T,2015年
  • 71. Assembly of large purely inorganic Ce-stabilized/bridged selenotungstates: from nanoclusters to layers,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2015年
  • 72. Organic-inorganic hybrid assemblies based on Ti-substituted polyoxometalates for photocatalytic dye degradation,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
  • 73. Assembly of tetrameric dimethyltin-functionalized selenotungstates: from nanoclusters to one-dimensional chains,CHEM COMMUN,2015年
  • 74. A Polyoxometalate-Encapsulating Cationic Metal-Organic Framework as a Heterogeneous Catalyst for Desulfurization,CHEM-EUR J,2015年
  • 75. Assembly of organic-inorganic hybrid materials constructed from polyoxometalate and metal-1,2,4-triazole units: synthesis, structures, magnetic, electrochemical and photocatalytic properties,CRYSTENGCOMM,2015年
  • 76. Polyoxometalate-Based Entangled Coordination Networks Induced by an Extended Bis (triazole) Ligand,CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2014年
  • 77. Entangled structures in polyoxometalate-based coordination polymers,COORDIN CHEM REV,2014年
  • 78. Assembly of Fe-substituted Dawson-type nanoscale selenotungstate clusters with photocatalytic H2 evolution activity,CHEM COMMUN,2014年
  • 79. Isopolymolybdate-induced organic–inorganic hybrid assemblies with copper ions and bichelate-bridging ligands,CRYSTENGCOMM,2014年
  • 80. Self-assembly of polyoxometalate-based metal organic frameworks based on octamolybdates and copper-organic units: from Cu-II, Cu-I,Cu-II to Cu-I via changing organic amine,INORG CHEM,2008年


    代表性文章列表 1. Hong-Ying Zang, Haralampos N. Miras, De-Liang Long, Benjamin Rausch, Jun Yan, Leroy Cronin*, Template-Directed Assembly of Polyoxothiometalate Scaffolds into Nanomolecular Architectures, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52 (27), 6903-6906