景士伟,核技术及应用专业工学博士,教授,博士生导师。 主要从事中子管及其应用技术研究。在中子管的研制方面,研究中子管的产额、寿命、稳定性等参数与制造工艺的关系,目前中子管指标获得国防科技工业电离辐射一级计量站的检测(CS-N10-12062010),达到工业应用要求,并服务于众多高校及科研单位。在中子管的应用方面,主要研究中子活化分析技术在反恐、工业、生物效应等方面的应用,包括爆炸物检测、煤质元素分析、BNCT等。发表论文100余篇,其中SCI、EI检索论文40余篇。 研究生培养: 招生专业:粒子物理与原子核物理(硕士、博士)、应用物理、电子信息 1.研究生国家奖学金:2020年-薛辉、2019年-韩沐晨、2017年-李环宇 2.研究生校长奖学金:2024年-逯兆虎、2023年-贾少雷、2021年-龚克、2020年-赵思佳、2019年-于子童 3.研究生“抱朴”奖学金:2019年-于子童 4.“优秀研究生”:2023年-李广豪、2021年-赵思佳、2020年-薛辉、2020年-李聪、2019年-于子童 5.“优秀研究生干部”:2020年-郭文婷、2020年-龚克、2019年-韩沐晨 6.“东师研究生2019年度人物”提名:2019年-于子童 7.物理学院研究生优秀学位论文:2023年-龚克、2021年-韩沐晨、李聪 8.“优秀毕业研究生”:2021年-薛辉 9.东北师范大学优秀硕士学位论文:2023年-龚克、2021年-韩沐晨、李聪
近三年论文: 1.Hui Xue, Guang-yu Shi, De-dong He, Si-yuan Chen, Shi-Wei Jing, Yu-Lai Zheng. Simulation study on landmines detection by pulsed fast thermal neutron analysis, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, (2022), 47:879-885. 2.Ke Gong, De-dong He, Si-yuan Chen, Shi-Wei Jing, Yu-Lai Zheng. BP neural network analysis for identification of explosive in package by tagged neutron method, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 1017 (2021), 165810:1-7. 3.Ya-Dong Gao, Cong Li 1, Mu-Chen Han 1, Yu-Lai Zheng2, Shi-Wei Jing SIMULATION RESEARCH ON EXPLOSIVES DETECTION SYSTEM BASED ON D-D SEALED NEUTRON GENERATOR ICONE2021 EI 4.Wen-Ting Guo, Si-jia Zhao, Rui-xue Nian, Hui Xue, Shi-Wei Jing. Impact of the target material surface layer on neutron yield and target lifetime of the neutron tube,Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 186(2021), 109548:1-8. 5.De-dong He, Shi-Wei Jing, Yu-Lai Zheng, Design and optimization of thermal neutron device based on deuterium-deuterium neutron generator, Fusion Engineering and Design, 166 (2021),112289. 6.Mu-Chen Han 1, Yu-Lai Zheng2, Shi-Wei Jing 1, 2, 3Simulation and data analysis of a portable tagged neutron system for detection of explosives hidden in packages, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 182, 109361:1-9. 7.Wen-Ting Guo, Si-jia Zhao, Shi-Wei Jing, Yu-Lai Zheng, Effect of target film materials on neutron yield of neutron tube with dai Zheng, Shi-Wei Jing. Design and Simulation of Landmines Detection System Based on Fast Neutron Analysis,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 482 (2020), 82-87. 9.Ke Gong, Shu-jun Xiao, Shi-Wei Jing, Yu-Lai Zheng. Back Propagation Neural Network Analysis for the Detection of Explosives based on Tagged Neutron,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 326 (2020), 329-336. 10.Hui Xue, Cong Li, Ya-Dong Gao, Shi-Wei Jing, Yu-Lai Zheng. Simulation and experimental tests of the tagged neutron system for explosive detection in walls using MCNPX, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 326 (2020), 201-208. 11.Si-Jia Zhao, Wen-Ting Guo, Zi-Tong Yu, Cong Li, Shi-Wei Jing. Design of magnetic circuit and extraction system of ECR ion source for intense neutron tube, Vacuum,178(2020)109450. 12.Zi-Tong Yu, Si-Jia Zhao, Wen-Ting Guo, Yu-Lai Zheng, Shi-Wei Jing*, Wen-Juan Zhang. Simulation of Penning Ion Source with Optimized Beam Extraction System for Tagged Neutron Tube, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 213 (2020)164789 13.Wen-Ting Guo, Si-Jia Zhao, Zi-Tong Yu, Guang-Yu Shi, Shi-Wei Jing. Effect of target material on neutron output and sputtering yield of D-D neutron tube,Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research, B, 473 (2020), 48-54. 14.Li Cong, Shi-Wei Jing*, Gao Ya-Dong, Wen-Juan Zhang, Dose evaluation in a portable D-T neutron generator facility by Monte Carlo method, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (JRNC), 324 (2020)533-539. 15.Shi-Wei Jing,Yan-Xin Qi*, Huanhuan Guo, Gui-Fu Yang, Yu-Bin Huang, A portable fast neutron irradiation system for tumor therapy, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 160 (2020) 109138, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2020.109138. 16.Zi-Tong Yu, Si-Jia Zhao, Shi-Wei Jing*, Wen-Juan Zhang, Yong Guo**, Study on beam current extraction and magnetic circuit design of microwave negative ion source for sealed neutron tube, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 202 (2020)163731:1-10, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.163731. 17.Li Cong, Shi-Wei Jing*, Gao Ya-Dong, Wen-Juan Zhang, MCNP optimization of fast neutron beam thermalization device based on D-T neutron generator, Fusion Engineering and Design, 151 (2020),111385. 18.Han mu-chen, Shi-Wei Jing*, Ya-dong Gao, Yong Guo**, Experiment and MCNP simulation of a portable tagged neutron inspection system for detection of explosives in a concrete wall, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A, 929,156-161. 19.Zi-Tong Yu, Shi-Wei Jing*, Wen-Juan Zhang, Si-Jia Zhao, Yong Guo, Simulation of the beam extraction from the triode system in small sealed tagged neutron tube, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 181 (2019) 914–922, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2018.12.166