职  称:教授


王晓红,女,吉林大学化学系毕业。博士,教授,博士生导师,英国剑桥大学化学系博士后访问学者。在“多酸的药物化学”、“多酸催化化学”以及“新型多酸有机衍生物的合成”等方面做出了一些有意义的研究成果,积极研究和开发基于多酸分子的抗肿瘤候选药物,取得一定开创性的结果。近年来,开展多酸催化研究,在生物质能源转化、有机污染物降解方面取得突破性进展,且在多酸催化领域的研究得到同行的认可,成为多个国际刊物的审稿人。在Adv.Syneth. Cataly.,Chem. Commun., Applied Cataly. B, J. Inorg. Biochem., 和Dalton T.等刊物上发表多酸药物化学、催化化学方面的文章数几十篇。每年指导的硕士研究生均发表SCI论文1—3篇,指导研究生两人次获天丞奖、研究生科研奖;指导本科生出色完成“国家创新性实验计划”2项。目前承担吉林省科技厅重大项目、国家自然科学基金项目多项。 实验室已组建一支由本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生、青年教师构成的研究团队,形成多酸基材料设计合成、性能研究的研究特色。目前实验室拥有气相色谱、紫外可见分光光度计、高压反应釜、低温反应器、高速匀浆机等实验设备。不论你是本科生、还是研究生,都欢迎您的加入。联系电话:85098510,13180810352。1992.9-1995.7 东北师范大学化学系 理学硕士 1996.9-1999.7 东北师范大学化学系 理学博士 1999.7-2001.12 东北师范大学化学系 讲师 2001.12- 2011.12 东北师范大学化学学院 副教授 2002.3-2003.3 英国剑桥大学化学系 博士后访问学者 2009.7- 现在 东北师范大学化学学院 博士生导师 2011.12- 现在 东北师范大学化学学院 教授


获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 2023-12-17 吉林省科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖
  • 2013-09-01 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖
  • 2013-01-01 吉林省发明创造大赛三等奖

教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)

  • 先进功能材料导论
  • 专业综合拓展
  • 化学与能源
  • 无机化学(1)
  • 22级学硕
  • 2019级学硕
  • 21级学硕
  • 2018学硕
  • 20级学硕
  • 开放化学实验
  • 化学的今天与明天(1)
  • 基础化学实验A-1(周日)
  • 专业英语
  • 绿色化学
  • 毕业论文

科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 项目:
  • 1. 基于POMs纳米酶构建及快速高效检测前列腺癌标记物肌氨酸,省、市、自治区科技项目,2022年
  • 2. 落叶松剩余物三大组分高效转化与利用基础,国家自然科学基金项目,2022年
  • 3. 农林废弃木质纤维素高效全转化增值技术研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2022年
  • 4. 基于多金属氧酸盐电子传递强化无氧同步去除有机污染物脱Cr(VI)的机理研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2019年
  • 5. 多中心POMsPickering界面催化体系的构建及在甘油串联反应制备乳酸的活性研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2018年
  • 6. 基于多金属氧酸盐纳米复合纤维膜氧化脱硫催化材料制备的研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2017年
  • 7. 多酸/石墨烯Fenton降解环境激素类有机污染物机理研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2015年
  • 8. 相变储能材料的研制,国家科技攻关计划,2015年
  • 9. 文冠果基化学品制备研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2014年
  • 10. 双酸中心杂多酸催化剂的合成及催化性能研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2011年
  • 11. 多金属氧酸盐/高分子复合纳米纤维膜催化剂的制备及其温和条件下湿式氧化处理水中污染物研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2010年
  • 12. 文冠果生物柴油产业化关键技术研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2010年
  • 13. 温和条件下(环境温度、压力)高浓度有机废水和有毒有害污染物减排技术研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2010年
  • 14. 同时具有B酸和L酸双重酸中心固体杂多酸催化剂的合成及催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2009年
  • 15. 有机钛多酸化合物的合成及抗肿瘤活性研究,校内自然科学青年基金,2009年
  • 16. 纳米尺寸多酸复合物的合成及性质研究,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2009年
  • 17. 石油植物提取植物柴油技术与工艺研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2008年
  • 专著:
  • 1. 无机化学(下册),北京师范大学出版社,01-8年
  • 2. 无机化学(上册),北京师范大学出版社,01-7年
  • 3. 普通化学实验,东北师范大学出版社,01-1年
  • 4. 化学的今天和明天,东北师范大学出版社,01-1年
  • 论文:
  • 1. Nitrogen doped biomass derived carbon and BiVO4 composite for simultaneous detection of furazolidone and chloramphenicol,MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2024年
  • 2. Synergistic naproxen adsorption and peroxymonosulfate-driven oxidation on defective magnetic porous graphene dual functional materials,PROCESS SAF ENVIRON,2023年
  • 3. PIC catalysis based on polyoxometalates promoting 5-HMF oxidation in H2O/MIBK biphase,CHINESE CHEM LETT,2023年
  • 4. Selective Production of Glycolic Acid from Cellulose Promoted by Acidic/Redox Polyoxometalates via Oxidative Hydrolysis,ACS CATALYSIS,2023年
  • 5. A novel electrochemical sensor based on MoS2 electrospun nanofibers and polyoxometalate composite for the simultaneous detection of ractopamine and clenbuterol,MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2023年
  • 6. The catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of lignin to produce aromatics over nickel metal hydrotalcite catalysts,J SUPERCRIT FLUID,2022年
  • 7. Developing Dawson-Type Polyoxometalates Used as Highly Efficient Catalysts for Lignocellulose Transformation,ACS CATALYSIS,2022年
  • 8. Synthesis of heteropolyacid (HPA) functionalized graphitic carbon nitride as effective catalysts for converting polysaccharides into high-value chemicals,RESOUR CONSERV RECY,2022年
  • 9. 多酸基共价有机骨架材料的合成与氧化脱硫性能研究在实验教学中的设计与探究,大学化学,2022年
  • 10. Electrochemical sensor based on the polyoxometalate nanocluster [(NH4)12[Mo36(NO)4O108(H2O)16]16]center dot 33H2O and molybdenum disulfide nanocomposite materials for simultaneous detection of dihydroxybenzene isomers,MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL,2022年
  • 11. Oxidation of phthalate acid esters using hydrogen peroxide and polyoxometalate/graphene hybrids,JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2022年
  • 12. Amphiphilic peroxo polyoxometalate as reaction control phase transfer catalyst for efficient epoxidation of olefins,MICRO NANO LETT,2021年
  • 13. Facile preparation of polyoxometalate nanoparticles via a solid-state chemical reaction for aerobic oxidative desulfurization catalysis,DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2021年
  • 14. Ag4HPMo10V2O40催化剂对PAEs类的催化降解实验,环境工程,2021年
  • 15. Hydroxyapatite-Supported Polyoxometalates for the Highly Selective Aerobic Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural or Glucose to 2,5-Diformylfuran under Atmospheric Pressure,CHEMPLUSCHEM,2021年
  • 16. Fabrication of ordered mesoporous POMs/SiO2–NH2 nanofibers for production of DFF from 5-HMF for cellulose wastewater resource recovery,CHEMOSPHERE,2021年
  • 17. Achieving deep desulfurization with inverse-micellar polyoxometalates and oxygen,RSC ADVANCES,2021年
  • 18. Fabrication of a novel nanocomposite electrode with ZnO-MoO3 and biochar derived from mushroom biomaterials for the detection of acetaminophen in the presence of DA,MICROCHEM J,2021年
  • 19. Polyoxometalates as catalysts for fluorescence amplification in rapid and sensitive detection of artemisinin,ANAL CHIM ACTA,2021年
  • 20. Fabrication of Amphiphilic Graphene Oxide—Polyoxometalate with Temperature Response for Epoxidation of Olefin in Water,CRYSTALS,2020年
  • 21. Heterogenization of polyoxometalates as solid catalysts in aerobic oxidation of glycerol,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2020年
  • 22. The fabrication of IMo6@iPAF-1 as an enzyme mimic in heterogeneous catalysis for oxidative desulfurization under O2 or air,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2020年
  • 23. Surfactant decorated hydrotalcite-supported polyoxometalates for aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and monosaccharides,SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS,2020年
  • 24. Electrochemical sensor based on an electrode modified with porous graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets (C3N4) embedded in graphene oxide for simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid,MICROCHIM ACTA,2020年
  • 25. A fast and facile electrochemical method for the simultaneous detection of epinephrine, uric acid and folic acid based on ZrO2/ZnO nanocomposites as sensing material,ANAL CHIM ACTA,2020年
  • 26. The fabrication of trifunctional polyoxometalate hybrids for the cascade conversion of glycerol to lactic acid,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2020年
  • 27. 多金属氧酸盐纳米纤维催化O2氧化5-HMF,科学通报,2020年
  • 28. Mesoporous heteropolyacid nanorods for heterogeneous catalysis in polysaccharide conversion,BIORESOURCES,2020年
  • 29. Fabrication of folate functionalized polyoxometalate nanoparticle to simultaneously detect H2O2 and sarcosine in colorimetry,SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM,2020年
  • 30. Enzyme-like catalysis of polyoxometalates for chemiluminescence: Application in ultrasensitive detection of H2O2 and blood glucose,TALANTA,2019年
  • 31. Visual detection of H2O2 and melamine based on PW11MO39n- (M = Cu2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Fe3+) and PW9M3O34n-(M = Cu2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Fe3+),NEW J CHEM,2019年
  • 32. Polyoxometalate Immobilized on Graphene via Click Reaction for Simultaneous Dismutation of H2O2 and Oxidation of Sulfur Mustard Simulant,ACS Applied Nano Materials,2019年
  • 33. Metal-oxygen clusters as peroxidase mimics for their multifarious applications in colorimetric sensors,NEW J CHEM,2019年
  • 34. Full Utilization of Lignocellulose with Ionic Liquid Polyoxometalates in a One-Pot Three-Step Conversion,CHEMSUSCHEM,2019年
  • 35. Synergic Catalysts of Polyoxometalate@Cationic Porous Aromatic Frameworks: Reciprocal Modulation of Both Capture and Conversion Materials,ADV MATER,2019年
  • 36. POM@surf(n)/CeO2 electrospun nanofibers for the facile oxidation of 5-HMF to DFF,APPL CATAL A-GEN,2019年
  • 37. Fabrication of Trifunctional Polyoxometalate-Decorated Chitosan Nanofibers for Selective Production of 2,5-Diformylfuran,CHEMSUSCHEM,2019年
  • 38. Fabrication of Electro-Active Pt/IMo6O24/Graphene Oxide Nanohybrid Modified Electrode for the Simultaneous Determination of Ascorbic Acid, Dopamine and Uric Acid,J ELECTROCHEM SOC,2019年
  • 39. A Polyoxometalate-Based Microfluidic Device for Liquid-Phase Oxidation of Glycerol,CHEMSUSCHEM,2019年
  • 40. Aerobic oxidation of glycerol catalyzed by M salts of PMo12O403-(M = K+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Cr3+, Fe3+),APPL CATAL A-GEN,2019年
  • 41. High production of levulinic acid from cellulosic feedstocks being catalyzed by temperature-responsive transition metal substituted heteropolyacids,RENEW ENERG,2019年
  • 42. An ultrasensitive sensor based on polyoxometalate and zirconium dioxide nanocomposites hybrids material for simultaneous detection of toxic clenbuterol and ractopamine,SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM,2019年
  • 43. Fast degradation of phthalate acid esters by polyoxometalate nanocatalysts through adsorption, esterolysis and oxidation,J HAZARD MATER,2019年
  • 44. Assembly of metallophthalocyanine-polyoxometalate hybrid for highly efficient desulfurization of organic and inorganic sulfur under aerobic conditions,FUEL,2019年
  • 45. First triple-functional polyoxometalate Cs10.6[H2.4GeNb13O41] for highly selective production of methyl levulinate directly from cellulose,CELLULOSE,2018年
  • 46. Fabrication of polyoxometalate/GO/PDDA hybrid nanocomposite modified electrode and electrocatalysis for nitrite ion, ascorbic acid and dopamine,JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,2018年
  • 47. Incorporation of Ce3+ ions into dodecatungstophosphoric acid for the production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil,MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,2018年
  • 48. Decorated-magnetic-nanoparticle-supported bromine as a recyclable catalyst for the oxidation of sulfides,J APPL POLYM SCI,2018年
  • 49. Catalyzing Cascade Production of Methyl Levulinate from Polysaccharides Using Heteropolyacids HnPW11MO39 with Bronsted/Lewis Acidic Sites,ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING,2018年
  • 50. Fabrication of mesoporous POMs/SiO2 nanofibers through electrospinning for oxidative conversion of biomass by H2O2 and oxygen,RSC ADVANCES,2018年
  • 51. Efficient mineralization of phenol by a temperature-responsive polyoxometalate catalyst under wet peroxide oxidation at lower temperatures,RSC ADVANCES,2017年
  • 52. Decoration of chitosan microspheres with Bronsted heteropolyacids and Lewis ion Ti: trifunctional catalysts for esterification to biodiesel,RSC ADVANCES,2017年
  • 53. Production of Biodiesel Through Esterification Reaction Using Choline Exchanging Polytungstoboronic Acids as TemperatureResponsive Catalysts,CATAL SURV ASIA,2017年
  • 54. Designation of choline functionalized polyoxometalates as highly active catalysts in aerobic desulfurization on a combined oxidation and extraction procedure,FUEL,2017年
  • 55. Heteropolyacids embedded in a lipid bilayer covalently bonded to graphene oxide for the facile one-pot conversion of glycerol to lactic acid,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2017年
  • 56. Deep oxidative desulfurization catalyzed by (NH4)5H6PV8Mo4O40 using molecular oxygen as an oxidant,FUEL PROCESS TECHNOL,2017年
  • 57. Synthesis of Butyl Levulinate Based on a-Angelica Lactone in the Presence of Easily Separable Heteropoly Acid Catalysts,CHEMSUSCHEM,2017年
  • 58. Fabrication of H3PW12O40/agarose membrane for catalytic production of biodiesel through esterification and transesterification,RSC ADVANCES,2016年
  • 59. Designation of highly efficient catalysts for one pot conversion of glycerol to lactic acid,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016年
  • 60. Highly efficient preparation of HMF from cellulose using temperature-responsive heteropolyacid catalysts in cascade reaction,APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON,2016年
  • 61. Design of a Highly Efficient Indium-Exchanged Heteropolytungstic Acid for Glycerol Esterification with Acetic Acid,CATAL SURV ASIA,2016年
  • 62. Temperature-Responsive Polyoxometalate Catalysts for DBT Desulfurization in One-Pot Oxidation Combined with Extraction,CATAL SURV ASIA,2016年
  • 63. Lewis-acid-promoted catalytic cascade conversion of glycerol to lactic acid by polyoxometalates,CHEM COMMUN,2016年
  • 64. Lysine functional heteropolyacid nanospheres as bifunctional acid-base catalysts for cascade conversion of glucose to levulinic acid,FUEL,2016年
  • 65. Single step conversion of cellulose to levulinic acid using temperature-responsive dodeca-aluminotungstic acid catalysts,GREEN CHEM,2016年
  • 66. Hydrolysis and alcoholysis of polysaccharides with high effciency catalyzed by a (C16TA)xH6xP2W18O62 nanoassembly,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
  • 67. Hetropolyacid-Catalyzed Oxidation of Glycerol into Lactic Acid under Mild Base-Free Conditions,CHEMSUSCHEM,2015年
  • 68. Tailoring the Synergistic Bronsted-Lewis acidic effects in Heteropolyacid catalysts: Applied in Esterification and Transesterification Reactions,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ,2015年
  • 69. oxidative desulfurization by oxygen using amphiphilic quaternary ammonium peroxovanadium polyoxometalates,CATAL SURV ASIA,2015年
  • 70. 浅谈化学教育中的科学精神与人文精神,吉林省教育学院学报,2015年
  • 71. Fabrication of a Dendritic Heteropolyacid as Self-Separated, Water-Resistant Catalyst for Biodiesel Fuel Production,ENERGY TECHNOLOGY,2015年
  • 72. Fabrication of sulfonated carbon catalyst from biomass waste and its use for glycerol esterification,FUEL PROCESS TECHNOL,2015年
  • 73. Hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant in starch oxidation using molybdovanadophosphate for producing a high carboxylic content,RSC ADVANCES,2015年
  • 74. Micellar Molybdovanadophosphates Producing High Content of Carboxylic Acids from Starch Using Hydrogen Peroxide,CATAL SURV ASIA,2015年
  • 75. Homogeneous borotungstic acid and heterogeneous micellar borotungstic acid catalysts for biodiesel production by esterification of free fatty acid,BIOMASS BIOENERG,2015年
  • 76. A heteropoly acid ionic crystal containing Cr as an active catalyst for dehydration of monosaccharides to produce 5-HMF in water,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2015年
  • 77. Aerobic oxidation of starch catalyzed by isopolyoxovanadate Na4Co(H2O)6V10O28,CARBOHYD POLYM,2015年
  • 78. Inorganic-bimolecular hybrids based on polyoxometalates: Intrinsic oxidase catalytic activity and their application to cancer immunoassay,SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM,2015年
  • 79. A highly active willow-derived sulfonated carbon material with macroporous structure for production of glucose,CELLULOSE,2015年
  • 80. Thermo-responsive polymer micelle-based nanoreactors for intelligent polyoxometalate catalysis,CATAL COMMUN,2015年
  • 81. Facile one-pot synthesis of mesoporous heteropolyacids-silica hybrid for catalytic wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation of phenol,J SOL-GEL SCI TECHN,2014年
  • 82. Conversion of highly concentrated fructose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by acid–base bifunctional HPA nanocatalysts induced by choline chloride,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
  • 83. Polyoxometalates acid treatment for preparing starch nanoparticles,CARBOHYD POLYM,2014年
  • 84. PMo12-PPY修饰的多孔阳极氧化铝膜电极的电化学交流阻抗研究,分子科学学报,2014年
  • 85. Ultra-deep desulfurization via reactive adsorption on peroxophosphomolybdate/agarose hybrids,CHEMOSPHERE,2014年
  • 86. A recyclable thermo-responsive catalytic system based on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-coated POM@SBA-15 nanospheres,CATAL COMMUN,2014年
  • 87. Degradation of phenol by air and polyoxometalate nanofibers using a continuous mode,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
  • 88. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol by [C16H33(CH3)3N]4H2SiV2W10O40 catalyst,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
  • 89. Effect of Cs content on CsxH5-xPMo10V2O40 properties and oxidative catalytic activity on starch oxidation by H2O2,RSC ADVANCES,2014年
  • 90. Mixed salts of silver and ammonium derivatives of molybdovanadophosphoric acid to improve the catalytic performance in the oxidation of starch,CATAL TODAY,2014年
  • 91. A heteropolyacid-based ionic liquid as a thermoregulated and environmentally friendly catalyst in esterification reaction under microwave assistance,CATAL COMMUN,2013年
  • 92. A water-tolerant C16H3PW11CrO39 catalyst for the efficient conversion of monosaccharides into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in a micellar system,RSC ADVANCES,2013年
  • 93. A micro reaction-controlled phase-transfer catalyst for oxidative desulfurization based on polyoxometalate modified silica,APPL CATAL A-GEN,2013年
  • 94. An unprecedented (3,4,24)-connected heteropolyoxozincate organic framework as heterogeneous crystalline Lewis acid catalyst for biodiesel production,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS ,2013年
  • 95. Controlled synthesis of Ag-coated TiO2 nanofibers and their enhanced effect in photocatalytic applications,APPL SURF SCI,2013年
  • 96. Water-tolerant heteropolyacid on magnetic nanoparticles as efficient catalysts for esterification of free fatty acid,RSC ADVANCES,2013年
  • 97. Acid–base bifunctional HPA nanocatalysts promoting heterogeneous transesterification and esterification reactions,CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,2013年
  • 98. Fabrication of an inorganic–organic hybrid based on an iron-substituted polyoxotungstate as a peroxidase for colorimetric immunoassays of H2O2 and cancer cells,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2013年
  • 99. Polyoxometalate-based Ionic liquid as thermoregulated and environmentally friendly catalyst for starch oxidation,APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON,2013年
  • 100. Fabrication of inorganic-organic hybrid based on polyoxometalate SiW10Fe2 and folate as peroxidases for colorimetric immunoassay of cancer cells,CHINESE CHEM LETT,2013年
  • 101. Oxidation of SCN- with air and micellar polyoxoperoxometalates,CHEMOSPHERE,2013年
  • 102. One-pot depolymerization of cellulose into glucose and levulinic acid by heteropolyacid ionic liquid catalysis,RSC ADVANCES,2012年
  • 103. Effects of Brønsted and Lewis Acidities on Catalytic Activity of Heteropolyacids in Transesterification and Esterification Reactions,CHEM ENG TECHNOL,2012年
  • 104. Polyoxometalates as peroxidase mimetics and their applications in H2O2 and glucose detection,BIOSENS BIOELECTRON,2012年
  • 105. A Brønsted–Lewis-surfactant-combined heteropolyacid as an environmental benign catalyst for esterification reaction,CATAL COMMUN,2012年
  • 106. Clean production of glucose from polysaccharides using a micellar heteropolyacid as a heterogeneous catalyst,APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON,2011年
  • 107. Oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene with dioxygen and reverse micellar peroxotitanium under mild conditions,APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON,2011年
  • 108. Fabrication of micellar heteropolyacid catalysts for clean production of monosaccharides from polysaccharides,CATAL COMMUN,2011年
  • 109. Removal of organic dye by air and macroporous ZnO/MoO3/SiO2 hybrid under room conditions,APPL SURF SCI,2011年
  • 110. Conversion of fructose and glucose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural catalyzed by a solid heteropolyacid salt,BIOMASS BIOENERG,2011年
  • 111. High selective production of 5-hydroymethylfurfural from fructose by a solid heteropolyacid catalyst,FUEL,2011年
  • 112. Assembly of folate-polyoxometalate hybrid spheres for colorimetric immunoassay like oxidase,CHEM COMMUN,2011年
  • 113. One pot production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural with high yield from cellulose by a Brφnsted–Lewis-surfactant-combined heteropolyacid catalyst,CHEM COMMUN,2011年
  • 114. A micellar polyoxoperoxometalate [C16H33N(CH3)3]7[PW10Ti2O38(O2)2]: A highly efficient and stable catalyst for air oxidation of thiocyanate under room conditions,CATAL COMMUN,2011年
  • 115. Catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol with air and micellar molybdovanadophosphoric polyoxometalates under room condition,APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON,2010年
  • 116. Degradation of phenol accumulated in a micellar molybdovanadophosphate nanoreactor by air at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure,DALTON T,2010年
  • 117. Hydrolysis of cellulose by the heteropoly acid H3PW12O40,CELLULOSE,2010年
  • 118. Degradation of Rhodamine B and Safranin-T by MoO3:CeO2 Nanofibers and Air Using a Continuous Mode,CLEAN-SOIL AIR WATER,2010年
  • 119. Three-dimensional films of photoluminescent polyoxometalates fabricated by a colloidal crystal template ,THIN SOLID FILMS,2009年
  • 120. Fast catalytic degradation of organic dye with air and MoO3:Ce nanofibers under room condition,APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON,2009年
  • 121. Study of the interaction of Na9[SbW9O33].19.5H2O with bovine serum albumin: Spectroscopic and voltammetric methods,J LUMIN,2009年
  • 122. Heteropolyacid nanoreactor with double acid sites as a highly efficient and reusable catalyst for the transesterification of waste cooking oil ,ENERG FUEL,2009年
  • 123. Fabrication of Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40 three-dimensional ordered film by colloidal crystal template,J SOLID STATE CHEM,2009年
  • 124. Biodiesel production from Eruca Sativa Gars vegetable oil and motor, emissions properties ,RENEW ENERG,2009年
  • 125. Catalytic wet air oxidation of dye pollutants by polyoxomolybdate nanotubes under room condition,APPL CATAL B-ENVIRON,2009年
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  • 127. Synthesis and biological evaluation of decavanadate Na4Co(H2O)6V10O28.18H2O,BIOMED PHARMACOTHER,2009年
  • 128. Biodiesel production from high acid value waste frying oil catalyzed by superacid heteropolyacid,BIOTECHNOL BIOENG,2008年
  • 129. Synthesis and characterization of Polyoxometalates loaded starch nanocomplex and its antitumoral activity,EUR J MED CHEM,2008年
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  • 133. Syntheses and Structures of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Compounds Based on Metal-Fluconazole Coordination Polymers and the β-Mo8O26 Anion,INORG CHEM,2007年
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  • 135. Transesterification of Vegetable Oil to Biodiesel using a Heteropolyacid Solid Catalyst,ADV SYNTH CATAL,2007年
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  • 141. Density functional study of protonation sites of α-Keggin isopolyanions,INT J QUANTUM CHEM,2006年
  • 142. Synthesis, crystal structure and quantum study of organoammonium polyoxomolybdate with one-dimension chain containing face-shared molybdenum-oxygen octahedra,INORG CHIM ACTA,2006年
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  • 144. Polyoxometalates supporting cyclopendienylzirconium CpZrXW11On-39: a new kind of olefin polymerization catalyst,INORG CHEM COMMUN,2005年
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  • 153. Synthesis and antitumor activity of cyclopentadienyltitanium substituted polyoxometalate [CoW11O39(CpTi)]7-(Cp= 5-C5H5),Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry ,2003年
  • 154. New Polyoxometalates/Starch nanomaterials: Synthesis, characterization and antitumoral activity,Dalton Transactions ,2003年
  • 155. β-K4H3[Siw9o37(CpTi)3]·11H2o环戊二烯钛多酸衍生物与DNA作用研究,CHEM J CHINESE U,2003年
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  • 专利:
  • 一种离子液体型多金属氧酸盐催化剂及其制备方法和应用 2021-12-07
  • 一种多金属氧酸盐及其制备方法和应用 2021-03-26
  • 一种催化制备氧化淀粉的多酸催化剂 2018-05-25
  • 一种多酸催化剂在纤维素水解中的应用 2018-02-23
  • 用含钒、钼多金属氧酸盐催化剂降解污水中苯酚的方法 2012-01-25