教授,博士生导师。科研方向为移动机器人、计算机视觉、自然语言处理、情感识别、多模态人机交互等。现任吉林省人工智能学会常务理事、吉林省机器人学会常务理事,长春市女科技工作者协会常务理事,吉林省自动化学会理事,吉林省机器人竞赛专家委员会委员。主持国家自然科学基金委、吉林省科技厅、吉林省发改委、吉林省人社厅、吉林省教育厅、长春市科技局等项目10余项,发表论文50余篇。 学习经历 1989.09-1993.07 长春邮电学院计算机系 本科 1996.09-1999.03 吉林工业大学计算机系 硕士 2001.09-2005.06 吉林大学通信工程学院 博士 工作简历 1993.08-1996.09 长春邮电学院计算机系 任教 1999.04-现在 东北师范大学计算机学院 任教 留学经历 2006.09-2006.12 South Polytechnic State University,USA 访问学者 2011.09-2012.09 Kennesaw State University,USA 访问学者 主持的科研项目: 1. 基于人工智能的师范生教学技能提升路径研究,国家自然基金面上项目,2023.1-2026.12,项目号:62277009 2. 基于多模态意图理解的个性化人机交互技术研究与应用,吉林省科技厅,2022.7-2025.6,项目号:20220201140GX 3. 面向人机交互的个性化知识图谱构建方法研究,吉林省发改委,2022.1-2023.12,项目号:2022C047-5 4. 面向陪伴机器人的对话系统关键技术研究,长春市科技局, 2021.11-2023.10,项目号:21ZY31 5. 助老机器人的多模态情感交互方法研究,吉林省发改委,2019.1-2020.12,项目号:2019C053-4 6. 具有认知能力的助老机器人研究与实现,吉林省科技厅,2018.1-2020.12,项目号: 20180201003GX 7. 老年陪护机器人的认知能力研究与实现,吉林省教育厅, 2016.1-2017.12,项目号:吉教科合字[2016]503号 8. 具有认知能力的智能清洁机器人开发,吉林省科技厅,2014.1-2016.12,项目号:20140307029GX 9. 具有认知能力的智能清洁机器人研究与实现,吉林省科技厅,2010.7-2012.12,项目号:20100305 10. 具有认知能力的智能清洁机器人研究与实现,吉林省留学归国项目,项目号:吉人社函字[2013]39号 11. 智能清洁机器人的研究与实现,吉林省发改委,2013.9-2014.12,项目号:吉发改高技[2013]779号 12. 智能清洁机器人开发,长春艾希技术有限公司,2014.06-2015.06,项目号:201423 13. 多智能体分布式仿真环境的建立及运动规划算法研究,东北师大青年基金,2004.1-2005.12,项目号:111494022 参加的项目: 1. 对象集合动态可变的图规划及其数学模型的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,第2位,2006.1-2008.12,项目号:60573067,24万元 2. 基于规划图算法的智能用户接口的研究及其实现,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2000.01-2002.12,项目号:69973012,12万元 3. 基于“中国科技论文在线”的数据分类方法研究与应用,教育部,第2位,2010.01-2012.12, 项目号:20090043110010,6万元 4. 基于关联度的智能点餐系统研发,吉林省发改委,20万,2015.1-2017.12 5. 智能信息挖掘平台的构建,长春市科技局,25万,2014.12-2016.12 6. 基于市长公开网站信息的挖掘技术研究与实现,吉林省教育厅,第2位,2010.04-2012.04,项目号:吉教科合字 2009第587号 7. 基于本体的短文本分类关键技术研究,吉林省科技厅,第1位,2009.07-2011.12,项目号:20090503,5万元 8. 遥感红外辐射测试系统设计开发,中科院长春应用化学研究所,参加人,2008.12-2009.12,10万元 9. 长春市妇产科医院管理信息系统(HIS)开发,第2位,2004.9-2005.12,30万元 主持或承担的教学项目: 1.《C程序设计》课程精品课主持人,C级,2.5万元 2.《C程序设计》BB平台项目主持人,0.3万元 3.《C程序设计》网络课程主持人,2万元 4.国家级精品课《数据库技术与应用》团队成员 5.高等师范计算机本科专业课实验工程化的研究, 吉林省教育厅,第2位 专利: 1.一种陪伴机器人及情绪识别方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201910399383.7,授权日期:2023-04-18 2.一种捡球机器人及方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL2019103770909,授权日期:2020-11-13 3.一种智能家居清洁机器人,发明专利,专利号:201310204119.6,授权日期:2016-5-18 4.一种清洁机器人,实用新型专利,专利号:201420094183.3,授权日期:2014-9-17 著作 1. 刘淑华,具有认知能力的智能清洁机器人,吉林大学出版社,专著,2014-6 2. 刘淑华等,Multi-Robot Systems, Trends and Development ,INTECH open access publisher,独撰一章,2010 软件著作权 1. 智能清洁机器人软件系统,2018SR418476 2. 智能清洁机器人地图可视化APP,2018SR424575 3. 人脸识别智能软件系统,2019SR1407749 4. 基于红外图像的活体人脸检测软件,2020SR0322772 5. 人脸表情识别软件系统,2020SR1791325 6. 文本摘要生成软件系统,2020SR1837512 7. 基于骨架的动作识别软件系统,2020SR1831964 8. 人体动作识别软件系统,2020SR1831963 9. 微表情识别软件系统,2020SR1831965 10. 机器人识别物体软件系统,2020SR1791337 11. 语音情感识别软件系统,2020SR1791326 12. 基于外观和骨架的动作识别软件系统,2022SR0284218 13. 3D骨架动作识别软件系统,2022SR0284348 14. 黑白老电影着色软件系统,2022SR1077596 15. 基于Transformer的目标跟踪软件系统,2022SR1077597 16. 基于脑电信号的情绪识别软件系统,2022SR1077598 17. 混合式中文开放域对话软件系统,2022SR1077599 18. 隐式意图识别软件系统,2022SR1077600 19. 基于多模态数据的抑郁症识别软件系统,2022SR1077601 20. 基于深度学习的机器人聊天系统,2022SR1077602 获奖 1. 具有环境认知能力的智能清洁机器人,吉林省科学技术奖科技进步奖三等奖,主持人 2. 《C程序设计》课程为校级精品课,主持人 3. 《C程序设计》网络课程获吉林省教育成果三等奖,主持人 以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文 1.Shuhua Liu,Chunyu Zhang, Binshuai Li, Niantong Qin, Huanting Cheng, Huayu Zhang*, TIA: A Teaching Intonation Assessment Dataset in Real Teaching Situations, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(ICASSP),(Accepted,CCF B类会议) 2.Fang Ming, Xinning Du, Qi Liu, Yunpeng Zhou, Qiwen Liang, Shuhua Liu*,Which is the Better Teacher Action? A New Ranking Model and Dataset, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(ICASSP),(Accepted,CCF B类会议) 3.Shuhua Liu, Lanting Li, Ming Fang, Chih-Cheng Hung, Shihao Yang*, A Prompt Learning Based Intent Recognition Method on a Chinese Implicit Intent Dataset CIID, Neural Processing Letters,2023,Vol. 5, No. 8, 11017-11034页 (SCI, CCF C类期刊). 4.Ming Fang, Siyu Peng, Yujia Liang, Chih-Cheng Hung, Shuhua Liu*, A Multimodal Fusion Model with Multi-level Attention Mechanism for Depression Detection, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,2022, Vol. 82, No.104561,1-9页(SCI,中科院二区). 5.Ming Fang, Siyu Peng, Yang Zhao, Haibo Yuan, Chih-Cheng Hung, Shuhua Liu*, 3s-STNet: Three-stream Spatial-Temporal Network with Appearance and Skeleton Information Learning for Action Recognition, Neural Computing and Applications,2023,Vol 35,No.2,1835–1848(SCI,CCF C类期刊). 6.Shihao Yang, Shaoru Zhang, Ming Fang, Fengqin Yang and Shuhua Liu*, A Hierarchical Representation Model Based on Longformer and Transformer for Extractive Summarization. Electronics, 2022, 11, 1706,1-10(SCI). 7.Shuhua Liu, Yushu Ren, Lanting Li, Xiaoyu Sun,Yu Song, Chih-Cheng Hung*, Micro-expression recognition based on SqueezeNet and C3D, Multimedia System, 2022(SCI,CCF C类期刊). 8.Shuhua Liu,Xiaoying Bai,Ming Fang,Lanting Li,Chih-Cheng Hung*,Mixed graph convolution and residual transformation network for skeleton-based action recognition,Applied intelligence, 2022,52:1544-1555(SCI,中科院二区). 9.Shuhua Liu , Huixin Xu, Qi Li, Fei Zhang and Kun Hou*,A Robot Object Recognition Method Based on Scene Text Reading in Home Environments,Sensors 2021, 21, No.1919, pp. 1-18(SCI). 10.Shuhua Liu, Mengyu Zhang, Ming Fang, Jianwei Zhao, Kun Hou,Chih-Cheng Hung, Speech emotion recognition based on transfer learning from the FaceNet framework, J. Acoust. Soc. Am, 2021, 1338–1345(SCI,CCF B类期刊). 11.Liu Shuhua ,Ban Hua, Song Yu, Zhang Mengyu,Yang Fengqin*, Method for Detecting Chinese Texts in Natural Scenes Based on Improved Faster R-CNN[J]. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2020.3. (SCI,CCF C类期刊) 12.Ming Fang, Xiaoying Bai, Jianwei Zhao, Fengqin Yang,Chih‑Cheng Hung, Shuhua Liu*,Integrating Gaussian mixture model and dilated residual network for action recognition in videos,Multimedia System, 26:715-725,2020(SCI,CCF C类期刊) 13.Shuhua Liu , Yu Song, Mengyu Zhang, Jianwei Zhao, Shihao Yang and Kun Hou*, An Identity Authentication Method Combining Liveness Detection and Face Recognition, Sensors, Vol 19,No.4733,pp.1-14,2019(SCI). 14.Fei Zhang, Qi Li, Yushu Ren, Huixin Xu, Yu Song, Shuhua Liu*, An Expression Recognition Method on Robots Based on MobilenetV2-SSD, The 2019 6th International Conference on Systems and Informatics (EI). 15.Ming Fang, Yu Song, Xiaoying Bai, Yushu Ren, Shuhua Liu*,A Method for Coloring Low-resolution Black and White Old Movies through Object Understanding,Proceedings of CCDC 2019, 6022-6027 16.Zheng Li,Li Qiao,Ban Hua,Liu Shuhua*,Speech emotion recognition based on convolution neural network combined with random forest,Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp 4143-4147, July 6, 2018 17.Han Yuanyuan, Zhang, Mengyu; Li Qiao; Liu Shuhua*,Chinese speech recognition and task analysis of aldebaran Nao robot, Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp 4138-4142, July 6, 2018 18.Shuhua Liu, Qiwei Xing, Yuanyuan Han, Yu Zhao, Runmin Li, Speech Recognition Based Building Semantic Map Method on Aldebaran Nao, Proceedings of 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2017, pp.3595-3599 19.Siyu Wang,Li Zheng,Hua Ban,Shuhua Liu*, Recognition of facial expressions and its applications based on the Gabor multi-directional feature integration, Proceedings of International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics, 2017 20.刘淑华,冀芒来,朱蓓蓓,张梦宇,李润敏,小型智能家居机器人的设计与实现,吉林大学学报(信息科学版 ),2017,Vol. 35, No.2, pp.170-174 21.Li Zheng, Shuhua Liu*, and Siyu Wang, "Current Situation and Future of Chinese Industrial Robot Development," International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 295-300, October 2016. DOI: 10.18178/ijmerr.5.4.295-300 22.刘淑华,郑丽,王思雨,李润敏,赵宇,Cognitive Abilities of Indoor Cleaning Robots,Proceedings of 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA) June 12-15, 2016, Guilin, China, pp.1508-1513 23.李润敏,杜忠惠,赵宇,刘淑华*, Design and Implementation of Mobile Robot Ultrasonic Localization System, Proceedings of 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2016, pp.5515-5520 24.Yu Zhao, Qiwei Xing, Zhonghui Du, Runmin Li, Shuhua Liu*,A Method of Map Building Based on Sonar and Infrared Sensors in Unknown Environments,International Journal of Simulation System, Science & Technology, 2016 25.刘淑华,邢琦玮,杜忠惠,李润敏,赵宇,A sonar- and vision-based building map method on Aldebaran Nao, Materials Research Innovations,2015 ,VOL 19 SUPPL 8,pp.322-325(SCI) 26.刘淑华,赵宇,李润敏,一种基于超声和上位机控制的机器人地图生成方法,Proceeding s of 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2014, pp. 3583-3586 27.Shuhua Liu, Chih-Cheng Hung, a Human-Robot Interaction Based Building Map method on Aldebaran Nao, ICIC Express Letters, Part B:Applications,2013,Vol.7, No.7, pp. 1-5 28.孙学敏,刘淑华*,夏菁,杨学,A Method of Map Building for Robots in Unknown Indoor Environments,Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2012,pp. 642-3647 29.刘淑华,夏菁,孙学敏,张友,已知环境下一种高效全覆盖路径规划算法,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2011,Vol. 43, No.4, pp.39-43 30.刘淑华,尹禄,孙学敏,杨学,孙红光,A Complete Coverage Path Planning Based on Boustrophedon and Grassfire,ICIC Express Letters, Part B:Applications,2011,Vol.2, No.5, pp. 1033-1038 31.刘淑华,程宇,李高权,尹禄,基于时序图规划的交通信号控制方法,中南大学学报自然科学版(增刊),2011,Vol.42, pp.1048-1052 32.赵慧楠,刘淑华*,吴富章,程宇,基于二分搜索的牛耕式全覆盖规划算法研究,计算机工程与应用,2011,Vol.47, No. 23, pp. 1-53,60 33.刘淑华,刘杰,程宇,A Pursuit-Evasion Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning,Information: An International Inter- disciplinary Journal,2010, Vol.13,No. 3A, pp.635-645 34.付帅,刘淑华*,张之雅,程宇,基于改进人工协调场的多机器人运动编队,吉林大学学报(信息科学版,2010,Vol.28,No.2,pp. 153-157 35.刘淑华,张嵛,付帅,程宇,基于群体智能的多机器人任务分配方法的研究,吉林大学学报(工学版),Vol.40.(1),pp.123-129 36.刘淑华,张嵛,付帅,吴洪岩,基于粒子群蚁群算法的多机器人任务分配方法 ,东北师大学报(自然科学版),Vol.41(4),2009,pp.68-72 37.张嵛,刘淑华*,付帅,吴迪,A Quantum-Inspired Ant Colony Optimization for Robot Coalition Formation,Proceedings of 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference ,2009,pp.632-637 38.吴洪岩,刘淑华*,张嵛,基于RBFNN的强化学习在机器人导航中的应用,吉林大学学报(信息科学版),vol. 27(2):185-190 39.刘杰,刘淑华*,吴洪岩,张嵛,A pursuit-evasion algorithm Based on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, Proceedings of 2009 International Conference Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, vol.2,pp:482-486 40.于晨牧,刘淑华*,张嵛,刘杰,Research on AI Planning Based Modeling Method for Area Traffic Signal Control, Proceedings of 2009 International Conference Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, vol.3,pp:555-558 41.张嵛,刘淑华*,多机器人任务分配的研究与进展,智能系统学报 Vol.3 No.2 ,2008,pp115-120 42.张嵛,刘淑华*,刘杰,于晨牧,Large-scale Multi-robot Task Allocation Based on Ant Colony Algorithm,Proceedings of 2008 Chinese Control and Decision Conference ,2008,pp.2057-2062 43.吴洪岩,刘淑华*,刘杰,A New Navigation Method Based on Reinforcement learning and Rough Sets,Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Vol. 2 ,2008,pp.1093-1098 44.刘淑华,田彦涛,孙铁利,适于大规模自主移动机器人的体系结构,吉林大学学报(信息科学版),Vol. 24, No.6,2006,pp.618-623 45.刘淑华,田彦涛,一种适用于大规模多机器人系统的协调机制,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2006年第38卷第3期pp.26-30 46.Jin-Yan Wang, Shu-hua Liu*, the algorithm of searching for valid plan through goal decompositon, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Dalian,2006,pp.819-825 47.Shuhua Liu, Yantao Tian, Heping Lin, A Multi-Level Conflict Resolution Method for Large-Scale Robot System, the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, DaLian China. June 2006,vol 11,pp.9006-9011 48.刘淑华,田彦涛,基于KQML语言的多自主移动机器人仿真系统,机器人,2005年第27卷第4期,pp.350-353 49.刘淑华,田彦涛,刘金芳,扩展KQML在多移动机器人仿真系统中的应用,吉林大学学报,2005,NO.5,pp.500-505 50.Shuhua Liu, Yantao Tian, Jinfang Liu, Multi Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on Genetic Algorithm, the 5th World Congress On Intelligent Control and Automation, Hangzhou China. June 2004, vol.5,pp:4706-4709 51.刘淑华,田彦涛,孙铁利,智能用户接口中基于学习的用户建模方法,吉林大学学报(信息科学版),2004,Vol.22,No.1 pp:45-48 52.刘淑华,谷文祥,一个基于Web的智能用户接口系统,东北师大学报自然科学版,2003,Vol.35,No.4,PP:24-27 53.Shuhua Liu, Yantao Tian, Multi-Agent Learning Methods in an Uncertain Environment, IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2002,V
讲授的课程: 1.ACCESS数据库 2.C程序设计 3.C++程序设计 4.编译原理 5.数据结构 6.计算机网络 7.数据库原理 8.计算机应用基础 主持或承担的教学项目: 1.《C程序设计》课程精品课主持人,C级,2.5万元 2.《C程序设计》BB平台项目主持人,0.3万元 3.《C程序设计》网络课程主持人,2万元 4.国家级精品课《数据库技术与应用》团队成员 5.高等师范计算机本科专业课实验工程化的研究, 吉林省教育厅,第2位