职  称:副教授


【个人情况综述】 沈宏志,副教授,理论物理专业博士,博士生导师,东北师范大学优秀师资博士后。主要从事量子光学及开放量子系统理论研究,其主要贡献在于:研究了非马尔可夫光力系统中的二阶边带和群延迟;探索了非厄米光机械系统中例外点增强光子阻塞效应;研究了一维半无限波导中的巨原子非马尔可夫动力学;建立了非马尔可夫系统中的非传统单光子阻塞理论;给出了非马尔可夫开放系统中的线性响应公式;基于二阶非线性克尔介质材料研究了量子光学二极管;利用三阶克尔非线性材料实现了非常规单光子阻塞效应;在三能级拉曼原子系统中提出了存储单光子脉冲的方法;基于纯退相干的两模玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚系统给出了平均场近似的BGGKY高阶修正等。担任国际学术期刊《Frontiers of Physics》青年编委(Youth Editorial Board),中科院SCI 物理二区期刊(非开源),影响因子为7.50。 担任国际学术期刊《Frontiers in Physics》和《Symmetry》的客座编辑(Guest Editor),中科院SCI物理3区期刊,影响因子分别为3.718和2.940。美国光学学会会员 (OSA Membership)。担任《Photonics Research》(中科院分区:一区)、《New Journal of Physics》(中科院分区:二区)、《Optics Letters》和《Optics Express》(中科院分区:二区)等期刊审稿人。 目前发表SCI论文91篇(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4017-7367),其中美国物理学会Physical Review系列论文42篇。主持国家(省)自然科学基金项目8项,其中国家自然科学基金项目2项(青年项目1项,面上项目1项),中国博士后科学基金项目2项(一等面上、特别资助)。2022年7月评为优秀共产党员,同年认定为吉林省E类拔尖人才。 E-mail: shenhz458@nenu.edu.cn 【学习工作简历】 2007/09-2011/06, 渤海大学 理学学士 2011/09-2016/06, 大连理工大学 理学博士(硕博连读) 2016/08-2018/08, 东北师范大学 师资博士后 2017/05-2017/06, 北京大学量子材料中心访问学者 2018/03-2018/04, 西班牙巴斯克大学访问学者 2018/09-至今, 东北师范大学 物理学院 副教授(破格) 【主要科研方向】 量子光学,量子开放系统理论(non-Markovian),非厄米量子光学,光子阻塞理论,巨原子系统,光机械系统,量子优化控制与量子器件,光子束缚态理论,量子响应理论,量子色散读出理论,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚等 【本科生课程】 1.普通物理B: 热学 2.复变函数与积分变换 3.量子信息与量子计算 【研究生课程】 腔量子电动力学 【指导研究生情况】 1.在读研究生情况:博士生3名,硕士生8名。 2. 毕业学生情况:硕士生7名。 3. 指导本科生毕业情况:在读5人,已毕业6人 【主要科研项目】 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:非旋转波耦合下非马尔可夫效应的理论及应用研究,55万,2023.01-2026.12,主持,在研。 2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:非马尔可夫系统中的单光子阻塞效应及其应用,27万元,2018.01-2020.12,主持,已结题。 3. 中国博士后科学基金会面上一等资助: 非马尔可夫过程对量子响应系数的影响,8万元, 2016.10-2018.7,主持,已结题。 4. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助:非马尔可夫量子响应理论及其应用,15万元,2017.06-2018.7,主持,已结题。 5. 吉林省教育厅项目:非马尔可夫系统中的光子阻塞效应,5万元,2019.01-2020.12,主持,已结题。 6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:量子开放系统的响应理论及其应用,60万,2018.01-2021.12,参加,已结题。 7. 国家自然科学基金委员会:东北师范大学理论物理微腔和波导系统调控团队的交流和研究平台建设,50万元,2021.01-2021.12,参加,已结题。 【参加学术会议】 1. 第十三届冷原子物理青年学者学术讨论会(西安,邀请报告),2019年7月 2. 超冷原子体系中的少体问题国际会议(北京,参加),2013年4月。 3. 2017年第三届全国量子物理青年学者研讨会(长春,报告),2017年7月。 4. 量子少体问题和拓扑物理暑期学习讨论会(长春,主持),2017年8月。 5. 2017年郑州大学青年学者国际论坛(郑州,邀请报告),2017年12月。 6. 第十八届全国量子光学学术会议(张家界,报告),2018年10月。 7. 第八届全国原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛(北京,海报),2018年10月。 8. 2018东北地区量子物理前沿与进展研讨会(延吉,报告),2018年10月。 附【91篇论文列表】*代表通讯作者 1.W. Zhang and H. Z. Shen*, Optomechanical second-order sidebands and group delays in a spinning resonator with a parametric amplifier and non-Markovian effects, Phys. Rev. A 109, 033701 (2024). 2.Q. H. Liu, G. C. Wang, T. Z. Luan, and H. Z. Shen*, Atom Mediated Single-Photon Nonlinearity in a Quadratically Coupled Optomechanical System, Adv. Quantum Technol. 7, 2300422 (2024). 3.Z. Y. Li and H. Z. Shen*, Non-Markovian dynamics with a giant atom coupled to a semi-infinite photonic waveguide, Phys. Rev. A 109, 023712 (2024). 4.J. Y. Ma, H. Z. Shen, X. J. Zhang, and J. H. Wu, Single-atom quantum heat engine based on electromagnetically induced transparency, Phys. Rev. A 109, 012207 (2024). 5.H. Z. Shen*, Y. Chen, T. Z. Luan, and X. X. Yi, Multiple single-photon generations in three-level atoms coupled to cavity with non-Markovian effects, Phys. Rev. A 107, 053705 (2023). 6.J. Y. Sun and H. Z. Shen*, Photon blockade in non-Hermitian optomechanical systems with nonreciprocal couplings, Phys. Rev. A 107, 043715 (2023). 7.T. Z. Luan, J. X. Yang, J. Wang, H. Z. Shen*, Y. H. Zhou, and X. X. Yi, Nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade with spinning two-mode cavity coupled via \chi(2) nonlinearities, Int. J. Quantum Inf. 2023, 2350021 (2023). 8.H. Z. Shen*, T. Z. Luan, Y. H. Zhou, Z. C. Shi, X. X. Yi, Nonreciprocal Unconventional Photon Blockade in Atom-Cavity with \chi(2) Nonlinear Medium, Int. J. Quantum Inf. 21, 2350029 (2023) (2023). 9.T. Z. Luan, J. Y. Sun, and H. Z. Shen*, Dynamical approach to shortcuts to adiabaticity for general two-level non-Hermitian systems, Europhysics letters, 142, 58001 (2023). 10.S. Xu, W. J. Gong, H. Z. Shen, X. X. Yi, Single-step order shift of Schmidt modes in a linear system, Physics Letters A 458, 128598 (2023). 11.L. Xin, S. Xu, X. X. Yi, and H. Z. Shen*, Tunable non-Markovian dynamics with a three-level atom mediated by the classical laser in a semi-infinite photonic waveguide, Phys. Rev. A 105, 053706 (2022). 12.H. Z. Shen*, Q. Wang, and X. X. Yi, Dispersive readout with non-Markovian environments, Phys. Rev. A 105, 023707 (2022). 13.T. Z. Luan, H. Z. Shen*, and X. X. Yi, Shortcuts to adiabaticity with general two-level non-Hermitian systems, Phys. Rev. A 105, 013714 (2022). 14.J. L. Li, H. Z. Shen*, and X. X. Yi, Quantum battery in non-Markovian reservoirs, Opt. Lett. 47, 5614 (2022). 15.Y. H. Zhou, X. Y. Zhang, T. Liu, Q. C. Wu, Z. C. Shi, H. Z. Shen*, and C. P. Yang, Environmentally Induced Photon Blockade via Two-Photon Absorption Phys. Rev. Appl. 18, 064009 (2022). 16.S. Xu, W. J. Gong, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Robust lattice manipulation beyond nearest-neighbor coupling by pulsed electric field, Phys. Rev. B 105, 014307 (2022). 17.H. T. Cui, M. Qin, L. Tang, H. Z. Shen*, X. X. Yi, Open dynamics in the Aubry-André-Harper model coupled to a finite bath: The influence of localization in the system and dimensionality of bath, Physics Letters A 421, 127778 (2022). 18.H. T. Cui, M. Qin, L. Tang, H. Z. Shen, X. X. Yi, Localization-enhanced dissipation in a generalized Aubry-André-Harper model coupled with Ohmic baths, Physics Letters A 448, 128314 (2022). 19.Q. C. Wu, X. Y. Zhang, Y. M. Wang, T. Liu, Y. H. Zhou, H. Z. Shen*, and C. P. Yang, Two-Photon Blockade with Second-Order Nonlinearity in Cavity Systems, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 61, 21 (2022). 20.J. Wang, Q. Wang, and H. Z. Shen*, Nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade with spinning atom-cavity, Europhysics letters 134, 64003 (2021) . 21.J. N. Li, H. Z. Shen, W. Wang, and X. X. Yi, Atom-modulated dynamic optical hysteresis in driven-dissipative systems, Phys. Rev. A 104, 013709 (2021). 22.S. Xu, W. J. Gong, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Effective decoherence of realistic clocks: General theory and application to a topological insulator, Phys. Rev. A 103, 032207 (2021). 23.S. Xu, W. J. Gong, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Linear multi-photon storage based on dark modes with frequency tuning, New J. Phys. 23 073027 (2021). 24.D. D. Zou, X. Y. Zhang, Q. C. Wu, B. L. Ye, J. H. Teng, D. W. Zhang, H. Z. Shen*, and C. P. Yang, Quantum optical switching based on local single-excitation resonance, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 59, 2606 (2020). 25.H. Z. Shen*, Q. Wang, J. Wang, and X. X. Yi, Nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade in a driven dissipative cavity with parametric amplification, Phys. Rev. A 101, 013826 (2020). 26.W. S. Xue, H. Z. Shen*, and X. X. Yi, Nonreciprocal conventional photon blockade in driven dissipative atom-cavity, Opt. Lett. 45, 4424 (2020). 27.Q. Wang, J. Wang, H. Z. Shen*, S. C. Hou, and X. X. Yi, Exceptional points and dynamics of a non-Hermitian two-level system without PT symmetry, Europhysics letters, 131 34001 (2020). 28.Y. H. Zhou, X. Y. Zhang, Q. C. Wu, B. L. Ye, Z. Q. Zhang, D. D. Zou, H. Z. Shen*, and C. P. Yang, Conventional photon blockade with a three-wave mixing, Phys. Rev. A 102, 033713 (2020). 29.H. T. Cui, H. Z. Shen*, M. Qin, and X. X. Yi, Edge state, bound state, and anomalous dynamics in the Aubry-André-Harper system coupled to non-Markovian baths, Phys. Rev. A 102, 032209 (2020). 30.Y. H. Zhou, X. Y. Zhang, D. D. Zou, Q. C. Wu , B. L. Ye , Y. L. Fang, H. Z. Shen*, and C. P. Yang, Controllable scattering of a single photon inside a one-dimensional coupled resonator waveguide with second-order nonlinearity, Opt. Express 28, 380250 (2020). 31.H. Z. Shen*, S. Xu, H. T. Cui, and X. X. Yi, Non-Markovian dynamics of a system of two-level atoms coupled to a structured environment, Phys. Rev. A 99, 032101 (2019). 32.H. Z. Shen*, S. Xu, Y. H. Zhou, and X. X. Yi, System susceptibility and bound-states in structured reservoirs, Opt. Express 27, 31504 (2019). 33.S. Xu, H. Z. Shen, X. X. Yi, and W. Wang, Readout of the spectral density of an environment from the dynamics of an open system, Phys. Rev. A 100, 032108 (2019). 34.S. Xu, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Current in an open tight-binding system, Phys. Rev. A 99, 012102 (2019). 35.C. Shang, H. Z. Shen, X. X. Yi, Nonreciprocity in a strongly coupled three-mode optomechanical circulatory system, Opt. Express 27, 25882 (2019). 36.G. C. Wang, R. Q. Xiao, H. Z. shen*, C. F. Sun, and K. Xue, Simulating Anisotropic quantum Rabi model via frequency modulation, Sci. Rep. 9, 4569 (2019). 37.X. X. Luo, Y. F. Peng, H. Z. Shen and X. X. Yi, Thermal transport of Josephson junction based on two-dimensional electron gas, Sci. Rep. 9, 2187 (2019). 38.H. Z. Shen, S. Xu, Su Yi, X. X. Yi, Controllable dissipation of a qubit coupled to an engineering reservoir, Phys. Rev. A 98, 062106 (2018). 39.H. Z. Shen*, C. Shang, Y. H. Zhou, and X. X. Yi, Unconventional single-photon blockade in non-Markovian systems, Phys. Rev. A 98, 023856 (2018). 40.H. Z. Shen, S. L. Su, Y. H. Zhou, and X. X. Yi, Non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion in electric fields, Phys. Rev. A 97, 042121 (2018). 41.H. Z. Shen, S. Xu, Hong Li, S. L. Wu, and X. X. Yi, Linear response theory for periodically driven systems with non-Markovian effects, Opt. Lett. 43, 2852 (2018). 42.H. Z. Shen, D. X. Li, S. L. Su, Y. H. Zhou, and X. X. Yi, Exact non-Markovian dynamics of qubits coupled to two interacting environments, Phys. Rev. A 96, 033805 (2017). 43.H. Z. Shen, Hong Li, Y. F. Peng, and X. X. Yi, Mechanism for Hall conductance of two-band systems against decoherence, Phys. Rev. E 95, 042129 (2017). 44.H. Z. Shen, D. X. Li, and X. X. Yi, Non-Markovian linear response theory for quantum open systems and its applications, Phys. Rev. E 95, 012156 (2017). 45.H. Z. Shen, S. Xu, Y. H. Zhou, G. C. Wang, and X. X. Yi, Unconventional photon blockade from bimodal driving and dissipations in coupled semiconductor microcavities, J. Phys. B 51, 035503 (2018). 46.H. Z. Shen, S. S. Zhang, C. M. Dai, and X. X. Yi, Master equation for open two-band systems and its applications to Hall conductance, J. Phys. A 51 065302 (2018). 47.S. L Su, Y. Z. Tian, H. Z. Shen*, H. P. Zang, E. j. Liang, and S. Zhang, Applications of the modified Rydberg antiblockade regime with simultaneous driving, Phys. Rev. A 96, 042335 (2017). 48.S. L Su, H. Z. Shen*, E. j. Liang, and S. Zhang, One-step construction of the multiple-qubit Rydberg controlled-PHASE gate, Phys. Rev. A 98, 032306 (2018). 49.H. Z. Shen, X. Q. Shao, G. C. Wang, X. L. Zhao, and X. X. Yi, Quantum phase transition in a coupled two-level system embedded in anisotropic three dimensional photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. E 93, 012107 (2016). 50.H. Z. Shen, Y. H. Zhou, and X. X. Yi, Tunable photon blockade in coupled semiconductor cavities, Phys. Rev. A 91, 063808 (2015). 51.H. Z. Shen, M. Qin, X. Q. Shao, and X. X. Yi, General response formula and application to topological insulator in quantum open system, Phys. Rev. E 92, 052122 (2015). 52.H. Z. Shen, Y. H. Zhou, H. D. Liu, G. C. Wang, and X. X. Yi, Exact optimal control of photon blockade with weakly nonlinear coupled cavities, Opt. Express 23, 32835 (2015). 53.H. Z. Shen, W. Wang, and X. X. Yi, Hall conductance and topological invariant for open systems, Sci. Rep. 4, 6455 (2014). 54.H. Z. Shen, Y. H. Zhou, and X. X. Yi, Quantum optical diode with semiconductor microcavities, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023849 (2014). 55.H. Z. Shen, M. Qin, X. M. Xiu, and X. X. Yi, Exact non-Markovian master equation for a driven damped two-level system, Phys. Rev. A 89, 062113 (2014). 56.H. Z. Shen, M. Qin, and X. X. Yi, Single-photon storing in coupled non-Markovian atom-cavity system, Phys. Rev. A 88, 033835 (2013). 57.H. Z. Shen, X. M. Xiu, and X. X. Yi, Atom-molecule-conversion system subject to phase noises, Phys. Rev. A 87, 063613 (2013). 58.H. Z. Shen, X. X. Yi, and C. H. Oh, Dynamical signature of the edge state in the 1D Aubry-Andre model, J. Phys. B 47, 085501 (2014). 59.Z. C. Shi, H. Z. Shen, Wei Wang, and X. X. Yi, Response of two-band systems to a single-mode quantized field, Phys. Rev. E 93, 032120 (2016). 60.M. Qin, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, A multi-pathway model for photosynthetic reaction center, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 125103 (2016). 61.Y. H. Zhou, H. Z. Shen, X. Q. Shao, and X. X. Yi, Strong photon antibunching with weak second-order nonlinearity under dissipation and coherent driving, Opt. Express 24, 17332 (2016). 62.Y. H. Zhou, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Unconventional photon blockade with second-order nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. A 92, 023838 (2015). 63.M. Qin, H. Z. Shen, X. L. Zhao, and X. X. Yi, Dynamics and quantumness of excitation energy transfer through a complex quantum network, Phys. Rev. E 90, 042140 (2014). 64.Y. H. Zhou, H. Z. Shen, X. Y. Zhang, and X. X. Yi, Zero eigenvalues of a photon blockade induced by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian with a gain cavity, Phys. Rev. A 97, 043819 (2018). 65.H. T. Cui, H. Z. Shen, S. C. Hou, and X. X. Yi, Bound state and localization of excitation in many-body open systems, Phys. Rev. A 97, 042129 (2018). 66.S. Xu, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Demultiplexing of photonic temporal modes by a linear system, Phys. Rev. A 97, 033841 (2018). 67.M. Qin, H. Z. Shen, X. L. Zhao, and X. X. Yi, Effects of system-bath coupling on a photosynthetic heat engine: A polaron master-equation approach, Phys. Rev. A 96, 012125 (2017). 68.Y. H. Zhou, H. Z. Shen, X. Y. Luo, Y. Wang, F. Gao, and C. Y. Xin, Tunable three-wave- mixing-induced transparency, Phys. Rev. A 96, 063815 (2017). 69.Y. H. Zhou, S. S. Zhang, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Second-order nonlinearity induced transparency, Opt. Lett. 42, 1289 (2017). 70.H. Li, H. Z. Shen, S. L. Wu, and X. X. Yi, Shortcuts to adiabaticity in non-Hermitianquantum systems without rotating-wave approximation, Opt. Express 25, 030135 (2017). 71.Y. F. Peng, C. M. Dai, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Optically tunable spin texture of the surface state for Bi2Se3 and SmB6 topological insulators, Opt. Express 26, 18906 (2018). 72.D. X. Li, H. Z. Shen, H. D. Liu,and X. X. Yi, Effect of spin relaxations on the spin mixing conductances for a bilayer structure, Sci. Rep. 8, 1475 (2018). 73.W. Q. Zhang, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Hall conductance for open two-band system beyond rotating-wave approximation, Sci. Rep. 6, 16243 (2017). 74.H. J. Shan, C. M. Dai, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Control state transfer in a Heisenberg spin chain by periodic drives, Sci. Rep. 8, 13565 (2018). 75.H. Y. Sun, C. Shang, X. X. Luo, Y. H. Zhou, and H. Z. Shen, Optical-assisted Photon Blockade in a Cavity System via Parametric Interactions, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 58, 3640(2019). 76.Y. H. Zhou, Q. C. Wu, B. L. Ye, L. Y. Xue, H. Z. Shen*, Second-order Nonlinearity Induced Unconventional PhotonBlockade, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 58, 472(2019). 77.G. C. Wang, H. Z. Shen, C. F. Sun, C. F. Wu, J. L. Chen, and K. Xue, Unconventional photon blockade in weakly nonlinear photonic molecules with bilateral drive, J Mod Opt 64, 583 (2017). 78.Y. H. Zhou and H. Z. Shen, Unconventional photon blockade based on two-photon tunneling, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 56, 2935 (2017). 79.D. X. Li, S. Wu, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Adiabatic Evolution of an Open Quantum System in its Instantaneous Steady State, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 56, 3562 (2017). 80.S. Xu, H. Z. Shen, and X. X. Yi, Single photon transistor based on tunable coupling in cavity QED system, J Opt Soc Am B 33, 1600 (2016). 81.L. Dong, J. X. Wang, Q. Y. Li, H. Z. Shen, H. K. Dong, X. M. Xiu, Y. J. Gao, and C. H. Oh, Nearly deterministic preparation of the perfect W state with weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities, Phys. Rev. A 93, 012308 (2016). 82.L. Dong, J. X. Wang, Q. Y. Li, H. Z. Shen, H. K. Dong, X. M. Xiu, and Y. J. Gao, Single logical qubit information encoding scheme with the minimal optical decoherence-free subsystem, Opt. Lett. 41, 1030 (2016). 83.L. Dong, J. X. Wang, Q. Y. Li, H. Z. Shen, H. K. Dong, X. M. Xiu, Y. P. Ren, and Y. J. Gao, Quantum secure direct communication against the collective noise with polarization-entangled Bell states, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 12, 123A02 (2015). 84.L.Dong, J. X. Wang, H. Z. Shen, Dan Li, X. M. Xiu, Y. J. Gao, X. X. Yi,Deterministic transmission of an arbitrary single-photon polarization state through bit-flip error channe, Quantum Inf Process 13, 1413 (2014). 85.X. M. Xiu, L. Dong, H. Z. Shen, Y. J. Gao, and X. X. Yi, Two-party quantum privacy comparison with polarization-entangled bell states and the coherent states, Quantum Inf Comput 14, 236 (2014). 86.X. M. Xiu, L. Dong, H. Z. Shen, Y. J. Gao, and X. X. Yi, Construction scheme of a two-photon polarization controlled arbitrary phase gate mediated by weak crossphase modulation, J Opt Soc Am B 30, 589 (2013). 87.L. Dong, Y. F. Lin, J. X. Wang, Q. Y. Li, H. Z. Shen, H. K. Dong, Y. P. Ren, X. M. Xiu, Y. J. Gao, and C. H. Oh. Nearly deterministic Fredkin gate based on weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities, J Opt Soc Am B 33, 253 (2016). 88.X. M. Xiu, Q. Y. Li, L. Dong, H. Z. Shen, Dan Li, Y. J. Gao, X. X. Yi, Distributing a multi-photon polarization-entangled state with unitary fidelity via arbitrary collective noise channels, Quantum Inf Process 14, 361 (2015). 89.L. Dong, X. M. Xiu, H. Z. Shen, Y. J. Gao, and X. X. Yi, Quantum Fourier transform of polarization photons mediated by weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity, J Opt Soc Am B 30, 2765 (2013). 90.L. Dong, X. M. Xiu, H. Z. Shen, Y. J. Gao, and X. X. Yi, Perfect distribution of four-photon χ-type entangled states over an arbitrary collective noise channel by spatial degree of freedom, Opt. Commun. 308, 304 (2013). 91.X. M. Xiu, L. Dong, H. Z. Shen, Y. J. Gao, and X. X. Yi. Preparing, linking, and unlinking cluster-type polarization-entangled states by integrating modules, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 9, 093A01 (2013).


获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)


  • 【本科生课程】
    普通物理B: 热学

科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)

  • 项目:
  • 1. 非马尔可夫系统中的量子响应理论及其应用,省、市、自治区科技项目,2024年
  • 2. 非旋转波耦合下非马尔可夫效应的理论及应用研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2022年
  • 3. 非旋转波系统中非马尔可夫效应的理论及应用研究,省、市、自治区科技项目,2021年
  • 4. 非马尔可夫过程对量子响应系数的影响,其他课题,2019年
  • 5. 非马尔可夫量子响应理论及其应用,其他课题,2019年
  • 6. 非马尔可夫系统中的光子阻塞效应,省、市、自治区科技项目,2018年
  • 7. 非马尔可夫系统中的单光子阻塞效应及其应用,国家自然科学基金项目,2017年
  • 论文:
  • 1. Exceptional-point-engineered dispersive readout of a driven three-level atom weakly interacting with coupled cavities in non-Markovian environments,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2024年
  • 2. Unconventional photon blockade with non-Markovian effects in driven dissipative coupled cavities,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2024年
  • 3. Fault-tolerant fusing of repeater graph states and its application,QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2024年
  • 4. Optomechanical second-order sidebands and group delays in a spinning resonator with a parametric amplifier and non-Markovian effects,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2024年
  • 5. Atom Mediated Single-Photon Nonlinearity in a Quadratically Coupled Optomechanical System,ADVANCED QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES,2024年
  • 6. Non-Markovian dynamics with a giant atom coupled to a semi-infinite photonic waveguide,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2024年
  • 8. Dynamical approach to shortcuts to adiabaticity for general two-level non-Hermitian systems,EPL,2023年
  • 9. Multiple single-photon generations in three-level atoms coupled to a cavity with non-Markovian effects,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2023年
  • 10. Nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade with spinning two-mode cavity coupled via χ(2) nonlinearities,INT J QUANTUM INF,2023年
  • 11. Photon blockade in non-Hermitian optomechanical systems with nonreciprocal couplings,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2023年
  • 12. Single-step order shift of Schmidt modes in a linear system,PHYSICS LETTERS A,2023年
  • 13. Environmentally Induced Photon Blockade via Two-Photon Absorption,PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED,2022年
  • 14. 量子纠缠和贝尔不等式及其在量子信息处理中的应用,物理实验,2022年
  • 15. Quantum batteries in non-Markovian reservoirs,OPTICS LETTERS,2022年
  • 16. Localization-enhanced dissipation in a generalized Aubry-André-Harper model coupled with Ohmic baths,PHYSICS LETTERS A,2022年
  • 17. Tunable non-Markovian dynamics with a three-level atom mediated by the classical laser in a semi-infinite photonic waveguide,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2022年
  • 18. Dispersive readout with non-Markovian environments,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2022年
  • 19. Two-Photon Blockade with Second-Order Nonlinearity in Cavity Systems,INT J THEOR PHYS,2022年
  • 20. Shortcuts to adiabaticity with general two-level non-Hermitian systems,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2022年
  • 21. Robust lattice manipulation beyond nearest-neighbor coupling by pulsed electric field,PHYSICAL REVIEW B,2022年
  • 22. Open dynamics in the Aubry-André-Harper model coupled to a finite bath: The influence of localization in the system and dimensionality of bath,PHYSICS LETTERS A,2022年
  • 23. Nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade with spinning atom-cavity,EPL,2021年
  • 24. Linear multi-photon storage based on dark modes with frequency tuning,NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,2021年
  • 25. Atom-modulated dynamic optical hysteresis in driven-dissipative systems,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2021年
  • 26. Effective decoherence of realistic clocks: General theory and application to a topological insulator,PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2021年
  • 27. Edge state,bound state, and anomalous dynamics in the Aubry-Andre-Harper system coupled to non-Markovian baths,PHYS REV A,2020年
  • 28. Conventional photon blockade with a three-wave mixing,PHYS REV A,2020年
  • 29. Exceptional points and dynamics of a non-Hermitian two-level system without PT symmetry,EPL-EUROPHYS LETT,2020年
  • 30. Nonreciprocal conventional photon blockade in driven dissipative atom-cavity,OPT LETT,2020年
  • 31. Quantum Optical Switching Based on Local Single-excitation Resonance,INT J THEOR PHYS,2020年
  • 32. Nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade in a driven dissipative cavity with parametric amplification,PHYS REV A,2020年
  • 33. Controllable scattering of a single photon inside a one-dimensional coupled resonator waveguide with second-order nonlinearity,OPT EXPRESS,2020年
  • 34. System susceptibility and bound-states in structured reservoirs,OPT EXPRESS,2019年
  • 35. Readout of the spectral density of an environment from the dynamics of an open system,PHYS REV A,2019年
  • 36. Nonreciprocity in a strongly coupled three-mode optomechanical circulatory system,OPT EXPRESS,2019年
  • 37. Optical-assisted Photon Blockade in a Cavity System via Parametric Interactions,INT J THEOR PHYS,2019年
  • 38. simulating Anisotropic quantum Rabi model via frequency modulation,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2019年
  • 39. Non-Markovian dynamics of a system of two-level atoms coupled to a structured environment,PHYS REV A,2019年
  • 40. Thermal transport of Josephson junction based on two-dimensional electron gas,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2019年
  • 41. Second-order Nonlinearity Induced Unconventional Photon Blockade,INT J THEOR PHYS,2019年
  • 42. Current in an open tight-binding system,PHYS REV A,2019年
  • 43. Controllable dissipation of a qubit coupled to an engineering reservoir,PHYS REV A,2018年
  • 44. Controlled state transfer in a Heisenberg spin chain by periodic drives,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018年
  • 45. One-step construction of the multiple-qubit Rydberg controlled-phase gate,PHYS REV A,2018年
  • 46. Unconventional single-photon blockade in non-Markovian systems,PHYS REV A,2018年
  • 47. Optically tunable spin texture of the surface state for Bi2Se3 and SmB6 topological insulators,OPT EXPRESS,2018年
  • 48. Linear response theory for periodically driven systems with non-Markovian effects,OPT LETT,2018年
  • 49. Bound state and localization of excitation in many-body open systems,PHYS REV A,2018年
  • 50. Non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion in one dimension in electric fields,PHYS REV A,2018年
  • 51. Zero eigenvalues of a photon blockade induced by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian with a gain cavity,PHYS REV A,2018年
  • 52. Demultiplexing of photonic temporal modes by a linear system,PHYS REV A,2018年
  • 53. Effect of spin relaxations on the spin mixing conductances for a bilayer structure,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2018年
  • 54. Master equation for open two-band systems and its applications to Hall conductance,J PHYS A-MATH THEOR,2018年
  • 55. Unconventional photon blockade from bimodal driving and dissipations in coupled semiconductor microcavities,J PHYS B-AT MOL OPT,2018年
  • 56. Tunable three-wave-mixing-induced transparency,PHYS REV A,2017年
  • 57. Shortcuts to adiabaticity in non-Hermitian quantum systems without rotating-wave approximation,OPT EXPRESS,2017年
  • 58. Hall conductance for open two-band system beyond rotating-wave approximation,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017年
  • 59. Applications of the modified Rydberg antiblockade regime with simultaneous driving,PHYS REV A,2017年
  • 60. Exact non-Markovian dynamics of qubits coupled to two interacting environments,PHYS REV A,2017年
  • 61. Unconventional Photon Blockade Based on Two-Photon Tunneling,INT J THEOR PHYS,2017年
  • 62. Effects of system-bath coupling on a photosynthetic heat engine: A polaron master-equation approach,PHYS REV A,2017年
  • 63. mechanism for Hall conductance of two-band systems against decoherence,PHYS REV E,2017年
  • 64. second-order nonlinearity induced transparency,OPT LETT,2017年
  • 65. Unconventional photon blockade in weakly nonlinear photonic molecules with bilateral drive,J MOD OPTIC,2017年
  • 66. Non-markovian linear response theory for quantum open systems and its applications,PHYS REV E,2017年
  • 67. Strong photon antibunching with weak second-order nonlinearity under dissipation and coherent driving,OPT EXPRESS,2016年
  • 68. Single-photon transistor based on tunable coupling in a cavity quantum electrodynamics system,J OPT SOC AM B,2016年
  • 69. A multi-pathway model for photosynthetic reaction center,J CHEM PHYS,2016年
  • 70. Quantum phase transition in a coupled two-level system embedded in anisotropic three-dimensional photonic crystals,PHYS REV E,2016年

