张明明,博士,教授,吉林省优青,吉林省梅河口市人。 获得荣誉:吉林省优青项目获得者、吉林省高等学校优秀科研成果奖获得者 研究领域:主要从事湖泊、湿地演化及其驱动机制,全新世季风气候重建与影响机制分析等方面的研究工作。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,青年基金1项,吉林省科技厅项目3项,吉林省教育厅项目2项,博士基金2项。以第一作者身份在Earth-Science Reviews(影响因子为12.413), Gondwana Research、Geoscience Frontiers、Soil and Tillage Research、Quaternary Science Reviews、Science of the Total Environment、Catena、Earth Surface Processes and Landforms、Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology等期刊发表SCI论文24篇,累积影响因子达134。 主要学习及工作经历: 2007.09-2011.06 吉林大学,地球科学学院,能源地质学 2011.09-2016.06 吉林大学,地球科学学院,沉积地球化学 2015.01-2015.09 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学,地球与行星科学学院,有机地球化学,联培博士 2016.07-2019.04,东北师范大学地理科学学院,师资博士后 2019.04-2019.06,东北师范大学地理科学学院,讲师 2019.06-2022.06,东北师范大学地理科学学院,副教授 2022.06-至今,东北师范大学地理科学学院,教授(破格晋升) 国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审人,吉林省科技发展计划项目评审人,教育部学位论文通讯评审人。 中国环境科学学会湿地环境生态保育与功能开发专业委员会会员(2023年-至今) 国际期刊Quaternary Science Advances编委(2022年-至今) 国际期刊Carbon Research青年编委(2023年-至今) 国际期刊PLOS ONE编委(2022年-至今) 国际期刊Earth Sciences编委(2021年-至今) 国际期刊Diversity专题咨询小组成员(Topical Advisory Panel Member)(2021年-至今) 国际期刊Climate专题咨询小组成员(Topical Advisory Panel Member)(2021年-至今) 中文核心期刊地球环境学报青年编委(2022年-至今) 中文核心期刊湿地科学与管理青年编委(2023年-至今) 中文核心期刊华东地质青年编委(2023年-至今) 国际泥炭地学会会员(2022年-至今) 中国第四纪科学研究会会员(2023年-至今) 中国地理学会会员(2022年-至今) 吉林省地理学会常务理事(2022年-至今) 吉林泥炭学会会员(2021年-至今) 国际期刊Quaternary Science Reviews, Quaternary Science Advances,Catena,Science of the Total Environment,Chemosphere, Radiocarbon, Chinese Geographical Science,Sustainability, Land,PLOS ONE,Agronomy等审稿人 国外合作关系 1. 加拿大女王大学生物系John P. Smol院士(专长领域:湖沼学、硅藻生物学) 2. 英国赫尔大学地理、地质与环境学院Jane Bunting副教授(专长领域:孢粉学、古气候学) 培养学生成效 目前,已毕业学生入选省级人才引进专项;多人进入北京大学、天津大学、中国科学院、北京师范大学等高等院所进一步深造;多名研究生获得国家奖学金和全国学术会议优秀口头报告奖励。 硕士生招生专业:2023-2024年计划招收湿地科学专业和自然地理学专业学生2名,欢迎加入本团队! 欢迎感兴趣的同学通过推免或报考加入研究团队!!! 联系邮箱:zhangmm165@nenu.edu.cn 承担课程 《地球科学基础》、《地理基础实验:地球科学基础》、《地貌学》、《地质与地貌学实习》、《综合自然地理方法》。 主持项目: 1. 基于古生产力差异的陆相泥页岩中湖泊生物群落的重建,中国博士后一等资助项目 2. 陆相层序地层格架内菌藻类群落结构演化及其驱动机制,中国博士后特别资助项目 3. 哈泥泥炭地植被净初级生产力对长白山地区全新世气候演变的响应研究,吉林省科技厅主题专家项目 4. 松辽盆地姚家车站剖面记录的氧敏感性生物对古氧相演化的响应特征研究,吉林省教育厅项目 5. 东北湖泊陆化型泥炭地的发育规律研究,吉林省教育厅项目 6. 哈泥泥炭地植被净初级生产力对火山喷发气候效应的响应机理,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 7. 长白山区湖泊陆化型泥炭地时空发育过程与机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 8. 基于泥炭植物α纤维素-纤维素纤维素δ13C/δ18O现代过程研究的长白山区中-晚全新世气候变化重建,吉林省自然科学基金-自由探索一般项目 9. 火山灰沉积对矿养型和雨养型泥炭地碳累积的影响与机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 近五年第一作者(通讯作者)论文: 18. Zhang Mingming*,Li Wang.2024.The influences of sedimentary environments on carbon accumulation in lacustrine deposits: Evidences from elemental geochemistry. Science of the Total Environment.907,167821.(一区TOP) 17. Wang Li, Zhang Mingming*,Bu Zhaojun,Liu Shasha.2024.Assessment of two grainsize methods for peat sediments and their paleoenvironmental significance: the Yueliangwan Peatland in northeast Asia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences.71(3),411-422. 16. Wang Li, Zhang Mingming*,John P. Smol,Bu Zhaojun,Liu Shasha,Guo Xuchen.2023.Solar and ENSO activity affecting Late Holocene carbon accumulation rates in peatlands from Northeast Asia: Evidence from periodic signal analysis.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.626,111697.(二区TOP) 15. Zhang Mingming*,John P. Smol,Wang Li. 2023. Carbon accumulation dynamics and development processes of peatland established after the Changbaishan Millennium eruption.Soil and Tillage Research.232,105762 (一区TOP) 14. Zhang Mingming*,John P. Smol,Bu Zhaojun. 2023. Holocene initiation and expansion of the southern margins of northern peatlands triggered by the East Asian summer monsoon recession. Geoscience Frontiers. 14(2),101526 (一区TOP). 13. Zhang Mingming*,John P. Smol,Bu Zhaojun,Guo Xuchen,Li Bing.2022.The influences of volcanic eruptions on the development of peatland: A case study from the Changbai Mountains, Northeast Asia. Catena. 213, 106209(一区TOP) 12. Zhang Mingming*,John P. Smol, Bu Zhaojun. 2022. Late Holocene tephrostratigraphic sequence of the Changbaishan volcanic field, China/North Korea. Gondwana Research. 106,34-50 (一区TOP) 11. Zhang Mingming*,Bu Zhaojun, Wang Xingan, Chen Jie, Cui Yaxin. 2022. Petrochemical characteristics and geological significance of the tephra buried under peat deposits: Constrains on the Changbaishan Millennium eruption. Catena. 209,2022. 105857 (一区TOP) 10. Zhang Mingming*,Bu Zhaojun, Liu Shasha, Chen Jie, Cui Yaxin. 2021. Mid-late Holocene peatland vegetation and hydrological variations in Northeast Asia and their responses to solar and ENSO activity. Catena. 203,2021.105339 (一区TOP) 9. Zhang Mingming*,Bu Zhaojun, Li Hongkai, Liu Shasha, Chen Jie, Cui Yaxin. 2021. Hydrological variation recorded in a subalpine peatland of Northeast Asia since the little ice age and its possible driving mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment. 772,2021.144923(一区TOP) 8. Zhang Mingming*, Bu Zhaojun*, Wang Shengzhong, Jiang Ming. 2020. Moisture changes in Northeast China since the last deglaciation: Spatiotemporal out-of-phase patterns and possible forcing mechanisms. Earth-Science Reviews. 201,102984.(一区TOP) 7. Zhang Mingming*, Bu Zhaojun,Liu Shasha, Chen Jie, Cui Yaxin, Chen Xu. 2020. Lake-mire ecosystem transformation and its possible forcing mechanisms in volcanic landform regions:a case study in the Gushantun peatland of northeast China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 45,3141-3154.(二区) 6. Zhang Mingming*, Bu Zhaojun*, Jiang Ming, Wang Shengzhong, Liu Shasha, Jin Qing, Shi Penghan. 2019. Mid-late Holocene maar lake-mire transition in northeast China triggered by hydroclimatic variability. Quaternary Science Reviews, 220: 215-229.(一区TOP) 5. Zhang Mingming, Bu Zhaojun*,Jiang Ming, Wang Shengzhong, Liu Shasha, Chen Xu, Hao Jianing, Liao Wwanyue. 2019. The development of Hani peatland in the Changbai Mountains (NE China) and its response to the variations of the East Asian summer monsoon. Science of the Total Environment, 692: 818-832.(一区TOP) 4. Zhang Mingming, Wang Youpeng. 2019. Paleoseismic event recorded in the Upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation in southeastern area of the Songliao Basin (NE China),AUST J EARTH SCI,2019年 3. Zhang Mingming, Li Zhao. 2018. The lithofacies and reservoir characteristics of the fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the Permian Lucaogou Formation at the northern foot of Bogda Mountains, Junggar Basin (NW China),J PETROL SCI ENG,2018年(二区TOP) 2. Zhang Mingming, Li Zhao. 2018. SEDIMENTARY AND GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF OIL SHALE IN THE PERMIAN LUCAOGOU FORMATION IN THE SOUTHEASTERN JUNGGAR BASIN, NORTHWEST CHINA: IMPLICATIONS FOR SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS,OIL SHALE,2018年 1. Zhang Mingming, Li Zhao. 2018. Thermal maturity of the Permian Lucaogou Formation organic-rich shale at the northern foot of Bogda Mountains, Junggar Basin (NW China): Effective assessments from organic geochemistry,FUEL,2018年(一区TOP) Curriculum vita of Mingming Zhang General Introduction Mingming Zhang, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Meihekou City, Jilin Province, China Study Area: Lake and peatland development and their driving mechanisms, Holocene volcanic activities reconstructions and their influences on ecosystems. He has published more than 20 papers on Earth-Science Reviews, Gondwana Research, Quaternary Science Reviews, Science of the Total Environment, Catena, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. The accumulated impacts reached 80. Academic Participation: Earth Sciences Editorial Board Member International Journal of Environmental Engineering Science and Technology Research Editorial Board Member Diversity Topical Advisory Panel Member Reviewer of the journals such as Quaternary Science Reviews, Science of the Total Environment, Catena, Chinese Geographical Science,Land,PLOS ONE,Agronomy. Reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Science and Technology Research Project of the Education Department of Jilin Province. International cooperation 1.Queen’s University Prof. John P. Smol 2.Macquarie University Prof. Simon C. George 3.University of Hull Prof. Jane Bunting Finding students Wetland Science, Physical Geography Educational Qualifications: 2007.9-2011.6 Bachelor of Engineering (Geochemistry), Jilin University 2011.9-2013.6 Master of Engineering (Geochemistry), Jilin University 2015.1-2015.9 Joint Ph.D (Geochemistry), Macquarie University 2013.9-2016.7 Ph. D (Geochemistry), Jilin University Professional Experience: 2016.7-2019.6 Lecturer (Geochemistry), Northeast Normal University 2019.6-present Associate Professor (Geochemistry), Northeast Normal University Foundations: Foundation 1: Project name: Response Mechanism of Vegetation Net Primary Productivity in Hani Peatland to the Climate Effects of Volcanic Eruption. Funder:National Natural Science Foundation of China. Foundation No.: 41701091. Year: 2019-2023. Foundation 2: Project name: Research on the spatiotemporal development processes and mechanisms of lake-terrestrialized peatlands in Changbai Mountain Region. Funder:National Natural Science Foundation of China. Foundation No.: 42071121. Year: 2020-2024. Foundation 3: Project name: The Research of the Enrichment of Oil Shale and the Formation Mechanism of Shale Oil in the Southern Areas of Junggar Basin, China. Funder:Science and Technology Research Project of the Education Department of Jilin Province. Foundation No.: JJKH20211287KJ. Year: 2020-2024. Foundation 4: Project name: The Research of the Pattern of Enrichment of Oil Shale in the Northern Part of Songliao Basin’s Ore-Bearing Area. Funder:Science and Technology Development Plan of Jilin Province. Foundation No.: 20180101019JC. Year: 2019-2024. Academic Achievements / Publications: 12.Zhang Mingming*,John P. Smol, Bu Zhaojun. 2022. Late Holocene tephrostratigraphic sequence of the Changbaishan volcanic field, China/North Korea. Gondwana Research. 106,34-50. 11. Zhang Mingming*,Bu Zhaojun, Wang Xingan, Chen Jie, Cui Yaxin. 2022. Petrochemical characteristics and geological significance of the tephra buried under peat deposits: Constrains on the Changbaishan Millennium eruption. Catena. 209,2022. 105857 10.Zhang Mingming*,Bu Zhaojun, Liu Shasha, Chen Jie, Cui Yaxin. 2021. Mid-late Holocene peatland vegetation and hydrological variations in Northeast Asia and their responses to solar and ENSO activity. Catena. 203,2021.105339. 9.Zhang Mingming*,Bu Zhaojun, Li Hongkai, Liu Shasha, Chen Jie, Cui Yaxin. 2021. Hydrological variation recorded in a subalpine peatland of Northeast Asia since the little ice age and its possible driving mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment. 772,2021.144923 8.Zhang Mingming*, Bu Zhaojun*, Wang Shengzhong, Jiang Ming. 2020. Moisture changes in Northeast China since the last deglaciation: Spatiotemporal out-of-phase patterns and possible forcing mechanisms. Earth-Science Reviews. 201,102984. 7.Zhang Mingming*, Bu Zhaojun,Liu Shasha, Chen Jie, Cui Yaxin, Chen Xu. 2020. Lake-mire ecosystem transformation and its possible forcing mechanisms in volcanic landform regions:a case study in the Gushantun peatland of northeast China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 45,3141-3154. 6.Zhang Mingming*, Bu Zhaojun*, Jiang Ming, Wang Shengzhong, Liu Shasha, Jin Qing, Shi Penghan. 2019. Mid-late Holocene maar lake-mire transition in northeast China triggered by hydroclimatic variability. Quaternary Science Reviews, 220: 215-229. 4.Zhang Mingming, Bu Zhaojun*,Jiang Ming, Wang Shengzhong, Liu Shasha, Chen Xu, Hao Jianing, Liao Wwanyue. 2019. The development of Hani peatland in the Changbai Mountains (NE China) and its response to the variations of the East Asian summer monsoon. Science of the Total Environment, 692: 818-832. 5.Zhang Mingming, Wang Youpeng. 2019. Paleoseismic event recorded in the Upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation in southeastern area of the Songliao Basin (NE China),AUST J EARTH SCI,2019. 3.Zhang Mingming, Li Zhao. 2018. The lithofacies and reservoir characteristics of the fine-grained sedimentary rocks of the Permian Lucaogou Formation at the northern foot of Bogda Mountains, Junggar Basin (NW China),J PETROL SCI ENG,2018. 2.Zhang Mingming, Li Zhao. 2018. SEDIMENTARY AND GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF OIL SHALE IN THE PERMIAN LUCAOGOU FORMATION IN THE SOUTHEASTERN JUNGGAR BASIN, NORTHWEST CHINA: IMPLICATIONS FOR SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS,OIL SHALE,2018. 1. Zhang Mingming, Li Zhao. 2018. Thermal maturity of the Permian Lucaogou Formation organic-rich shale at the northern foot of Bogda Mountains, Junggar Basin (NW China): Effective assessments from organic geochemistry,FUEL,2018.