王刚成,副教授,理学博士。2013年7月东北师范大学博士毕业后留校任教,期间(2016.02-2017.01)赴英国利兹大学访问。研究方向为杨巴克斯特方程在量子计算与量子信息方面的应用,以及量子光学方面的问题。与合作者在在相关研究方向取得了一系列有意义的研究成果。这些成果发表在Optics Express, Scientific Report,Quantum Information Processing等期刊上。并作为项目负责人完成国家自然科学基金,吉林省科技厅基金。担任学术期刊Optics Express和Quantum Information Processing等的审稿人。 Email: wanggc887@nenu.edu.cn 【本科生课程】 1. 材料热力学与动力学 2. 物理学院专业选修课,偏微分方程,量子信息与量子计算 3. 大类平台课,普通物理B:光学 【学习工作经历】 200309-200706 东北师范大学 物理学院 理学学士 200709-201306 东北师范大学 物理学院 理学博士 201308-201905 东北师范大学 物理学院 讲师 201602-201702 利兹大学(英国) 访问博士后 201906-现在 东北师范大学 物理学院 副教授 202107-现在 东北师范大学 物理学院 副院长 【承担项目情况】 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,高维杨-巴克斯特方程研究及其在量子纠缠中的应用,11405026,2015-01 - 2017-12,23万,负责人 2. 吉林省科技厅青年科研基金, 辫子群及其相关代数在多体量子纠缠描述中的应用研究,20150520083JH,2015-01 - 2017-12,6万元,负责人 3. 吉林省教育厅项目,周期驱动量子电路系统的特性研究及其在量子信息处理中的应用,2.5万元,2019.01-2020.12,负责人 4. 青年发展基金,20万元,2020.01-2022.12,负责人 【研究生培养】 肖若琦(硕士),校长奖学金 牟逢春(硕士),校长奖学金 高雅(硕士) 王师然(硕士) 于宁(硕士)校长奖学金 张无忌(硕士)国家奖学金 【发表文章列表】 ------2024年------ [1] W. Zhang, R. Wu, C. Sun, C. Wu, and G.C. Wang*, Phys. Rev. A 109, 013712 (2024). ------2023年------ 1. W. Zhang, S. Wang, C. Wu, and G. Wang*, Phys. Rev. E,107,5, 054125(2023) ------2022年------ 1. N. Yu, S. Wang, C. Sun, and G. Wang*, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 105, 034125 (2022) 2. Chunfeng Wu, Chunfang Sun, Gangcheng Wang, Xun-Li Feng, and X. X. Yi, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034003 3. Y. Wang, G. Wang, L. Ao, C. Wu, H. Zhou, and Z. Xu, Quantum Inf. Process. 3, (2022). ------2020年------ [1]F. Mu, Y. Gao, H. Yin, and G. Wang*, “Dicke state generation via selective interactions in a Dicke-Stark model,” Opt. Express, vol. 28, no. 26, p. 39574. [2]X. Yu, G. Wang*, C. Sun**, and K. Xue, “Photon Blockade in the Anisotropic Quantum Rabi Model with Biased Term,” Int. J. Theor. Phys., vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 1897–1904. [3]C. Zhou, X. Zhao, H. Huang, G. Wang, L. Song, and K. Xue*, “Multi-resolution single-pixel imaging via Hadamard ‘pipeline’ coding,” Appl. Phys. B Lasers Opt., vol. 126, no. 10, pp. 1–10. [4]Y. Liu, G. Wang*, C. Sun, and K. Xue, “Topological Basis Realization Assoc----2019年------ [1] G. C. Wang, et al., simulating Anisotropic quantum Rabi model via frequency modulation, Scientific Reports, 9, 4569 (2019) [2] J. L. Li, G. C. Wang *, et. Al., Realization of Multi-qubit Rabi Model and Multi-qubit Entangled States in Circuit QED System , Scientific Reports, 9, 1380 (2019) ------2018年------ [1] S. Gong, G. C. Wang *, et Al., Topological basis realization associated with Hermitian and non-Hermitian Heisenberg XXZ model, EPL-Europhys. Lett., 122, 5004 (2018). [2] G. C. Wang, et al., Conditional displacement interaction in transversal direction from the quantum Rabi model, Quantum information Processing, 17, 205 (2018) [3] Cao, Y., G. C. Wang , Liu H. D., & Sun C. F., Implementation of a Toffoli gate using an array of coupled cavities in a single step. Scientific Reports, 8, 5813 (2018) [4] Yang Q., et al., The Topological Basis Realization for Six Qubits and the Corresponding Heisenberg Spin 1/2 Chain Model, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 57, 1839-1847 (2018). [5] Shen H. Z., et al., Unconventional photon blockade from bimodal driving and dissipations in coupled semiconductor microcavities, J Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt., 51, 035503 (2018). ------2018年之前------ [1] Y. Zhao, Y. Zeng, H. Liu, Q. Song, G. Wang, K. Xue, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 193 (2017) 1844-1852. [2] C. Wu, C. Guo, Y. Wang, G. Wang, X.L. Feng, J.L. Chen, Physical Review A, 95 (2017). [3] Y. Wang, C. Guo, G.Q. Zhang, G. Wang, C. Wu, Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). [4] G. Wang, H.Z. Shen, C. Sun, C. Wu, J.L. Chen, K. Xue, Journal of Modern Optics, 64 (2017) 583-590. [5] W. Shao, Y. Du, Q. Yang, G. Wang, C. Sun, K. Xue, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 56 (2017) 643-651. [6] B. Liu, K. Xue, G. Wang, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 56 (2017) 802-809. [7] T. Hu, Q. Yang, K. Xue, G. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Li, H. Ren, Quantum Information Processing, 16 (2017). [8] H.B. Zhang, G.C. Wang, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 55 (2016) 2529-2540. [9] Q. Wang, Y. Du, C. Wu, G. Wang, C. Sun, K. Xue, International Journal of Quantum Information, 14 (2016). [10] C. Sun, G. Wang, C. Wu, H. Liu, X.L. Feng, J.L. Chen, K. Xue, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016). [11] C. Sun, Z. Chen, G. Wang, C. Wu, K. Xue, L.C. Kwek, Quantum Information Processing, 15 (2016) 773-790. [12] Q. Song, H. Liu, Y. Zhao, Y. Zeng, G. Wang, K. Xue, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 55 (2016) 1679-1685. [13] H.Z. Shen, X.Q. Shao, G.C. Wang, X.L. Zhao, X.X. Yi, Physical Review E, 93 (2016). [14] Y. Zhang, Y.M. Liu, H. Yang, G.C. Wang, T.T. Hu, C.F. Sun, T.Y. Zheng, Optics Communications, 343 (2015) 183-187. [15] H.B. Zhang, G.Y. Jiang, G.C. Wang, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56 (2015). [16] G. Wang, C. Sun, B. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, K. Xue, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 379 (2015) 1-4. [17] H.Z. Shen, Y.H. Zhou, H.D. Liu, G.C. Wang, X.X. Yi, Optics Express, 23 (2015) 32835-32858. [18] B. Liu, K. Xue, G. Wang, Y. Liu, C. Sun, International Journal of Quantum Information, 13 (2015). [19] Y. Zhang, Y.M. Liu, M. Han, G.C. Wang, C.L. Cui, T.Y. Zheng, Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica, 63 (2014). [20] G. Wang, C. Sun, C. Wu, B. Liu, Y. Zhang, K. Xue, EPL, 108 (2014). [21] Y. Liu, K. Xue, G. Wang, B. Liu, C. Sun, International Journal of Quantum Information, 12 (2014). [22] C. Sun, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Zhou, G. Du, Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013) 3079-3092. [23] C. Sun, L. Gou, G. Wang, G. Du, C. Zhou, K. Xue, Annals of Physics, 333 (2013) 34-46. [24] B. Liu, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Sun, L. Gou, G. Du, International Journal of Quantum Information, 11 (2013). [25] T. Hu, K. Xue, C. Sun, G. Wang, H. Ren, Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013) 3369-3381. [26] G. Du, K. Xue, C. Zhou, C. Sun, G. Wang, Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013) 2417-2426. [27] G. Du, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Wu, C. Zhou, C. Sun, Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013) 815-824. [28] C.C. Zhou, K. Xue, G.C. Wang, C.F. Sun, G.J. Du, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 57 (2012) 179-182. [29] C. Zhou, K. Xue, L. Gou, C. Sun, G. Wang, T. Hu, Quantum Information Processing, 11 (2012) 1765-1773. [30] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Sun, G. Du, Quantum Information Processing, 11 (2012) 1775-1784. [31] C. Sun, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Zhou, G. Du, Quantum Information Processing, 11 (2012) 385-395. [32] C. Sun, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Wu, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 376 (2012) 2873-2879. [33] G. Du, K. Xue, C. Sun, G. Wang, C. Zhou, International Journal of Quantum Information, 10 (2012). [34] C.F. Sun, K. Xue, G.C. Wang, C.C. Zhou, G.J. Du, EPL, 94 (2011). [35] L.D. Gou, K. Xue, G.C. Wang, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 55 (2011) 263-267. [36] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Sun, C. Zhou, T. Hu, Q. Wang, Quantum Information Processing, 9 (2010) 699-710. [37] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Sun, T. Hu, C. Zhou, G. Du, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 49 (2010) 2499-2505. [38] L. Gou, K. Xue, Q. Wang, G. Wang, C. Sun, International Journal of Quantum Information, 8 (2010) 1187-1197. [39] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Wu, H. Liang, C.H. Oh, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42 (2009). [40] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Sun, Q. Wang, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 48 (2009) 2865-2875. [41] C. Sun, K. Xue, G. Wang, Quantum Information Processing, 8 (2009) 415-429. [42] C. Sun, G. Wang, T. Hu, C. Zhou, Q. Wang, K. Xue, International Journal of Quantum Information, 7 (2009) 1285-1293. [43] C. Sun, T. Hu, G. Wang, C. Wu, K. Xue, International Journal of Quantum Information, 7 (2009) 879-889. [44] T. Hu, G. Wang, C. Sun, C. Zhou, Q. Wang, K. Xue, Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 21 (2009) 1081-1090.
1. 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖,拓扑基在物理模型和量子计算中的应用,吉林省自然科学学术成果奖评审委员会,第二完成人
【本科生课程】 1. 物理学院专业选修课,偏微分方程,量子信息与量子计算 2. 大类平台课,普通物理B:光学
【承担项目情况】 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,高维杨-巴克斯特方程研究及其在量子纠缠中的应用,11405026,2015-01 - 2017-12,23万,负责人 2. 吉林省科技厅青年科研基金, 辫子群及其相关代数在多体量子纠缠描述中的应用研究,20150520083JH,2015-01 - 2017-12,6万元,负责人 3. 吉林省教育厅项目,周期驱动量子电路系统的特性研究及其在量子信息处理中的应用,2.5万元,2019.01-2020.12,负责人 【发表文章列表】 ------2019年------ [1] G. C. Wang, et al., simulating Anisotropic quantum Rabi model via frequency modulation, Scientific Reports, 9, 4569 (2019) [2] J. L. Li, G. C. Wang *, et. Al., Realization of Multi-qubit Rabi Model and Multi-qubit Entangled States in Circuit QED System , Scientific Reports, 9, 1380 (2019) ------2018年------ [1] S. Gong, G. C. Wang *, et Al., Topological basis realization associated with Hermitian and non-Hermitian Heisenberg XXZ model, EPL-Europhys. Lett., 122, 5004 (2018). [2] G. C. Wang, et al., Conditional displacement interaction in transversal direction from the quantum Rabi model, Quantum information Processing, 17, 205 (2018) [3] Cao, Y., G. C. Wang , Liu H. D., & Sun C. F., Implementation of a Toffoli gate using an array of coupled cavities in a single step. Scientific Reports, 8, 5813 (2018) [4] Yang Q., et al., The Topological Basis Realization for Six Qubits and the Corresponding Heisenberg Spin 1/2 Chain Model, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 57, 1839-1847 (2018). [5] Shen H. Z., et al., Unconventional photon blockade from bimodal driving and dissipations in coupled semiconductor microcavities, J Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt., 51, 035503 (2018). ------2018年之前------ [1] Y. Zhao, Y. Zeng, H. Liu, Q. Song, G. Wang, K. Xue, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 193 (2017) 1844-1852. [2] C. Wu, C. Guo, Y. Wang, G. Wang, X.L. Feng, J.L. Chen, Physical Review A, 95 (2017). [3] Y. Wang, C. Guo, G.Q. Zhang, G. Wang, C. Wu, Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). [4] G. Wang, H.Z. Shen, C. Sun, C. Wu, J.L. Chen, K. Xue, Journal of Modern Optics, 64 (2017) 583-590. [5] W. Shao, Y. Du, Q. Yang, G. Wang, C. Sun, K. Xue, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 56 (2017) 643-651. [6] B. Liu, K. Xue, G. Wang, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 56 (2017) 802-809. [7] T. Hu, Q. Yang, K. Xue, G. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Li, H. Ren, Quantum Information Processing, 16 (2017). [8] H.B. Zhang, G.C. Wang, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 55 (2016) 2529-2540. [9] Q. Wang, Y. Du, C. Wu, G. Wang, C. Sun, K. Xue, International Journal of Quantum Information, 14 (2016). [10] C. Sun, G. Wang, C. Wu, H. Liu, X.L. Feng, J.L. Chen, K. Xue, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016). [11] C. Sun, Z. Chen, G. Wang, C. Wu, K. Xue, L.C. Kwek, Quantum Information Processing, 15 (2016) 773-790. [12] Q. Song, H. Liu, Y. Zhao, Y. Zeng, G. Wang, K. Xue, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 55 (2016) 1679-1685. [13] H.Z. Shen, X.Q. Shao, G.C. Wang, X.L. Zhao, X.X. Yi, Physical Review E, 93 (2016). [14] Y. Zhang, Y.M. Liu, H. Yang, G.C. Wang, T.T. Hu, C.F. Sun, T.Y. Zheng, Optics Communications, 343 (2015) 183-187. [15] H.B. Zhang, G.Y. Jiang, G.C. Wang, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 56 (2015). [16] G. Wang, C. Sun, B. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, K. Xue, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 379 (2015) 1-4. [17] H.Z. Shen, Y.H. Zhou, H.D. Liu, G.C. Wang, X.X. Yi, Optics Express, 23 (2015) 32835-32858. [18] B. Liu, K. Xue, G. Wang, Y. Liu, C. Sun, International Journal of Quantum Information, 13 (2015). [19] Y. Zhang, Y.M. Liu, M. Han, G.C. Wang, C.L. Cui, T.Y. Zheng, Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica, 63 (2014). [20] G. Wang, C. Sun, C. Wu, B. Liu, Y. Zhang, K. Xue, EPL, 108 (2014). [21] Y. Liu, K. Xue, G. Wang, B. Liu, C. Sun, International Journal of Quantum Information, 12 (2014). [22] C. Sun, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Zhou, G. Du, Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013) 3079-3092. [23] C. Sun, L. Gou, G. Wang, G. Du, C. Zhou, K. Xue, Annals of Physics, 333 (2013) 34-46. [24] B. Liu, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Sun, L. Gou, G. Du, International Journal of Quantum Information, 11 (2013). [25] T. Hu, K. Xue, C. Sun, G. Wang, H. Ren, Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013) 3369-3381. [26] G. Du, K. Xue, C. Zhou, C. Sun, G. Wang, Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013) 2417-2426. [27] G. Du, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Wu, C. Zhou, C. Sun, Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013) 815-824. [28] C.C. Zhou, K. Xue, G.C. Wang, C.F. Sun, G.J. Du, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 57 (2012) 179-182. [29] C. Zhou, K. Xue, L. Gou, C. Sun, G. Wang, T. Hu, Quantum Information Processing, 11 (2012) 1765-1773. [30] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Sun, G. Du, Quantum Information Processing, 11 (2012) 1775-1784. [31] C. Sun, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Zhou, G. Du, Quantum Information Processing, 11 (2012) 385-395. [32] C. Sun, K. Xue, G. Wang, C. Wu, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 376 (2012) 2873-2879. [33] G. Du, K. Xue, C. Sun, G. Wang, C. Zhou, International Journal of Quantum Information, 10 (2012). [34] C.F. Sun, K. Xue, G.C. Wang, C.C. Zhou, G.J. Du, EPL, 94 (2011). [35] L.D. Gou, K. Xue, G.C. Wang, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 55 (2011) 263-267. [36] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Sun, C. Zhou, T. Hu, Q. Wang, Quantum Information Processing, 9 (2010) 699-710. [37] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Sun, T. Hu, C. Zhou, G. Du, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 49 (2010) 2499-2505. [38] L. Gou, K. Xue, Q. Wang, G. Wang, C. Sun, International Journal of Quantum Information, 8 (2010) 1187-1197. [39] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Wu, H. Liang, C.H. Oh, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42 (2009). [40] G. Wang, K. Xue, C. Sun, Q. Wang, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 48 (2009) 2865-2875. [41] C. Sun, K. Xue, G. Wang, Quantum Information Processing, 8 (2009) 415-429. [42] C. Sun, G. Wang, T. Hu, C. Zhou, Q. Wang, K. Xue, International Journal of Quantum Information, 7 (2009) 1285-1293. [43] C. Sun, T. Hu, G. Wang, C. Wu, K. Xue, International Journal of Quantum Information, 7 (2009) 879-889. [44] T. Hu, G. Wang, C. Sun, C. Zhou, Q. Wang, K. Xue, Reviews in Mathematical Physics, 21 (2009) 1081-1090.