3. Responses and feedback of litter properties and soil mesofauna to herbaceous plants expansion into the alpine tundra on Changbai Mountain, China,JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE,2022年
4. Effects of exogenous N and endogenous nutrients on alpine tundra litter decomposition in an area of high nitrogen deposition,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022年
7. Effects of catastrophic wind disturbance on formation of forest patch mosaic structure on the western and southern slopes of Changbai Mountain,FOREST ECOL MANAG,2021年
8. 长白山苔原植被变化对土壤呼吸影响研究,西北植物学报,2020年
9. 模拟氮沉降对长白山苔原灌草混合群落中植物光合特性的影响,植物科学学报,2020年
10. 草本植物入侵对长白山西坡苔原土壤微生物与养分的影响,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2020年
11. Soil Mesofauna Respond to the Upward Expansion of Deyeuxia purpurea in the Alpine Tundra of the Changbai Mountains, China,PLANTS-BASEL,2019年
12. Soil Microbial Community and Enzyme Activity Responses to Herbaceous Plant Expansion in the Changbai Mountains Tundra,China,CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE,2019年
13. 模拟氮沉降对长白山岳桦林下草本植物和土壤肥力的短期影响,植物科学学报,2019年
14. Vegetation Heterogeneity Effects on Soil Macro-Arthropods in an Alpine Tundra of the Changbai Mountains, China,PLANTS-BASEL,2019年
15. The Changbai Alpine Shrub Tundra Will Be Replaced by Herbaceous Tundra under Global Climate Change,PLANTS-BASEL,2019年
19. Detecting Global Vegetation Changes Using Mann-Kendal (MK) Trend Test for 1982-2015 Time Period,CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE,2018年
20. Comparative Assessment of Tundra Vegetation Changes between North and Southwest Slopes of Changbai Mountains, China, in Response to Global Warming,CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE,2018年
21. 长白山苔原草本植物入侵与土壤环境的关系,生态学报,2018年
22. 长白山苔原带植被变化与土壤微生物、酶活性及土壤肥力的相关性,生态学杂志,2017年
23. 退化中的长白山西坡灌木苔原优势种分布差异,生态学报,2017年
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26. 温带森林不同演替阶段下的土壤CO2排放通量昼间变化,生态学报,2017年
27. 基于地形因子的长白山高山苔原土理化性质空间差异,生态学杂志,2017年
28. 长白山苔原带优势植物种的分布格局及其关联性研究,地理科学,2016年
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30. 黑钙土区50年来气候生产潜力变化分析,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2016年
31. Effective seed distribution pattern of an upward shift species in alpine tundra of Changbai Mountains,CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE,2016年
32. Nitrogen deposition but not climate warming promotes Deyeuxia angustifolia encroachment in alpine tundra of the Changbai Mountains, Northeast China,SCI TOTAL ENVIRON,2016年
33. Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Tundra Vegetation Undergoing Invasion by Deyeuxia angustifolia in Changbai Mountains,CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE,2016年
34. Estimating CO2 concentration during the growing season from MODIS and GOSAT in East Asia,INT J REMOTE SENS,2015年
35. Comparative analysis of the characteristics of extreme temperature changes between cities and mountains in China,THEOR APPL CLIMATOL,2015年
36. The site-scale processes affect species distribution predictions of forest landscape models,ECOL MODEL,2015年
37. 氮沉降对长白山苔原植被影响的试验研究,地理科学,2014年
38. 长白山西坡小叶章侵入苔原带过程及影响,生态学报,2014年
39. Current and potential tree locations in tree line ecotone of Changbai Mountains, Northeast China:the controlling effects of topography,PLoS ONE ,2014年
40. 跨地带土壤置换实验研究,生态学报,2014年
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